51-646-40 - Managerial Accounting
January 12 – February 14, 2013 – St. Joseph site
Instructor: Dr. R. Wood Office: Colden Hall 2100 (Maryville campus)
Telephone: 562-1759 e-mail: wood@nwmissouri.edu
Secretary: 562-1835
COURSE DESCRIPTION: A graduate level course in the principles and theory of managerial and cost accounting information. The course firsts develops an understanding of the concepts and procedures for a topical area and then through questions, problems, and case readings applies them. The major topical areas include the role of accounting information to management, cost concepts, cost behavior, costing systems, budgeting, allocation, relevant costs, variances, capital budgeting, planning and control.
TEXT: Managerial Accounting, Fourth Edition (2010), James Jiambalvo, Wiley,
ISBN # 978-0-470-33334-1
Textbooks can be ordered through, http://www.nwmissouri.bncollege.com the Bearcat bookstore (660.562.1246), Amazon, or other online vendor.
ARTICLE READINGS: In addition to the textbook there are required article readings. These are listed in the syllabus and at the eCompanion site under the "Articles by Chapter" heading or in the webliography. Alternatively the articles may be found at most any University library, the full reference is given in the syllabus and online.
eCOMPANION SITE: The site is primarily organized by chapter. Each chapter lists the assigned review questions and problems along with their solutions, PowerPoint slides, additional problems for selected topics, and readings for some articles. Other article readings are found under the Webliography tab. A copy of the daily schedule and general syllabus items is also at the site.
OPTIONAL MATERIALS: http://www.wiley.com/college/jiambalvo (click on the “Student Companion Site” link) the site offers PowerPoint slides for each chapter, review questions and quizzes. Availability is not