There are 50 multiple choice questions total. Chapters included in this test as outlined in your syllabus: 1, 2, 9, 10, 13, 15, 18, & 38
This study guide is intended to facilitate your studying of the topics covered in class, from supplemental resources and in your textbooks.
*Identify the central mission of community health nursing.
*Know the levels of prevention.
*Distinguish between health promotion and wellness and identify factors influencing each.
*Know the following definitions and or concepts: population, community health nurse, a community, health promotion, wellness, community-based nursing, population-focused care, public health nursing,
*Describe the key components of the health belief model; harm reduction model, social learning theory and goal-setting theory.
*Distinguish between the stages of the Transtheoretical model (also known as the stages of change theory) and their associated interventions.
*Review and distinguish between health education in the communities for individuals, families and groups and health education focused on a community as a whole.
*Review the community education process case (Table 15-6) p. 356.
*Explain the different roles of a community health nurse and their associated functions.
*Identify the barriers to effective communication.
*Compare acute care nursing with community health nursing.
*Differentiate between a community based nursing diagnosis and an individual nursing diagnosis.
*Understand the overarching goals of Healthy People 2020; its underlying concepts and historical evolution.
*Describe the difference between a goal and a policy as it relates to health policy, public policy and Healthy People2020 goals and objectives.
*Identify the components of conflict resolution.
*Describe the components related to a sphere of intimacy.
*Describe the factors associated with social determinants.