English Comp I OL
A Better Life V. Attached Photo
A Better Life VS Political Image There are many things similar and different from the film A Better Life and the political image included on the essay 3 description. Some of the interesting similarities are that they both portray illegal immigrants assumedly from Mexico, they both wanted a better life for them and their friends and family and they both attempted to obtain that by utilizing illegal options. There’s many similarities between the Political image and A Better Life. The first similarity is that they are both illegal immigrants. In A Better Life, Carlos, Luis, and the others are all illegal immigrants from Mexico. The image of the man included is obviously an illegal immigrant and is probably (based on appearance) from Mexico or another Spanish country. Illegal immigrants are definitely perceived differently from different people. A lot of American citizens seem to have a problem with illegal immigrants being in our country, as they believe that they take jobs that were meant for Americans, and they are worried that they are also taking benefits such as social security and assistance in medical insurance and other things, where some American’s don’t really have an opinion on illegal immigrants. In the move A Better Life, the fact that the boys were illegal immigrants was important, because instead of being eligible for a loan for the truck and tools that they wanted to purchase for their business, they had to borrow money from friends and family. In the political image you see the illegal immigrant holding up a sign and is appearing in a mug shot, next to the mug shot is the statement that Reid, the man in the photo, was arrested because he voted for illegal immigrants to have social security benefits. I’m assuming since he appears to also be an illegal immigrant that he was arrested once someone realized he had voted, when he had no actual right to vote. He voted