Authors: Dr. J Shanmugan, Dr. Sajal Kabiraj
Address: Faculty Block 2, Skyline University College, P.O Box 1797, University City of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE
Tel: 06 5441155 Ext 234, 219
A Case Study Approach for Understanding Supply Chain Orientation in Indian Pharmaceutical Firms
Supply Chain Orientation is defined as the recognition by a company of the systematic, strategic, implications of the activities and processes involved in managing the various flows in a supply chain. Thus, a company possesses a supply chain orientation if its management (in its entirety, not just one or two individuals) can see the implications of managing the upstream and downstream flows of products, services, finances, and information across their suppliers and customers. It is prerequisite to have supply chain orientation across the companies directly connected in the chain for successful implementation of supply chain management
Houlihan (1988) noted that transfer pricing, divisional or geographical autonomy, local systems and standards, and incompatible operating systems create problems in managing supply chains in international context. This article does not include the effect of these issues on Supply Chain Effectiveness separately, as the focus of the article was to develop a comprehensive measure to evaluate the supply chain orientation and delineate the factors underlying such a measure, these factors were however, considered while developing the process oriented measure. Thus the article highlights all the important issues in evaluating Supply Chain Orientation including the management of goods across the boarder.
Supply chain orientation in very simple terms occurs when the focal firm starts to consider its
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