An abortion is a deliberate termination of a human pregnancy. Sometimes abortions can happen naturally without us knowing, this is called a spontaneous miscarriage. An abortion involves removing the embryo or foetus from the uterus during a pregnancy. There are four main reasons people choose to have an abortion: wealth, religion, personal rights and medical reasons.
There are two main groups that people’s opinions are divided in to. These are the Pro-Choice and the Pro-Life arguments. Pro-Choice allows the woman to have a choice whether to have an abortion. This allows the woman’s to have a right to control her own body especially her right to an induced abortion. The pro-choice believe that a woman should be able to decide whether she wants have an abortion or not. Whereas, the pro-life believe that all life comes from god; letting the unborn live and not killing the baby in the womb. People who support the pro-life believe it is wrong to abort the innocent unborn child.
More disabled babies are aborted than healthy ones. There are mixed opinions and feelings when a disabled child is involved because some argue that disabled babies should be aborted but others are against this.
Most pro-lifers argue that a person with disability has the right to live along with every other member of society. In Britain, it is legally permitted to abort a baby on grounds of disability up to birth. Encouraging abortion on grounds of disability encourages negative stereotypes about people with disabilities. An alliance of pro-life campaigners and religious groups are launching a new push to restrict the 1967 Abortion Act, to prevent doctors terminating pregnancies on the grounds of physical abnormality. Some pro-lifers on the Telegraph article state that ‘there is no such thing as an un-wanted child just an un-wanting mother.’ Abortion of the disabled is an assumption that