Where Psychology and Personality Meet
Jessica Brown
Through the use of theories based on psychology and personality, the characters in The Virgin will be analysed in this essay to show that there was development. To do this essay, I did extensive research on the types of theories that were floating about on the Internet such as the Psychoanalytic Theory of Freud. I also did in-depth research on the types of characters in literature to help with understanding who the characters were and what they brought to the story. A few examples would be figuring out who the protagonist or foil were in the story.
Here, I am going to analyse the characters within the story with the main focus being on Miss Mijares and the Carpenter.
Miss Mijares
When Miss Mijares is introduced, we immediately see that she is the protagonist because the story is centred on her and the conflicts that she is faced with. We see this as the story is wholly in her point of view, although it is in the third person limited omniscient, and never in any of the other character’s point of views. However, how do we know that the story is in the third person limited omniscient? We know that the story is in the third person as the text refers to Miss Mijares as ‘she’, the Carpenter as ‘he’ and so forth but never ‘I said’. It is limited because it is only in Miss Mijares’ view on events. We see this throughout the entire story but an example of this would be in the second paragraph where it says, ‘Miss Mijares thought how she could easily have said, Please wait for me, or Will you wait for me? But years of working for the placement section had dulled the edges of her instinct for courtesy. (Polotan)’ Finally, it is omniscient because as we know information about Miss Mijares that the other characters do not. We can see this in paragraph 6 where we find out that whenever she watches movies; ‘her own fingers stole unconsciously to her
Cited: McLeod, Saul. Defense Mechanisms. 2008. 29 January 2015 <http://www.simplypsychology.org/defense-mechanisms.html >. —. Id, Ego and Superego. 2008. 23 January 2015 <http://www.simplypsychology.org/psyche.html>. NcLeod, Saul. Theories of Personality. 2014. 25 January 2015 <http://www.simplypsychology.org/personality-theories.html>. Polotan, Kerima. The Virgin (From The Likhaan Anthology of Philippine Literature in English). Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press, 2002.