James E.Tillotson .2002, Fat and Getting Fatter! What Is the Food Industry’s Role?, Nutrition Today, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 136-138
Stephen Leeder .2007, The obesity pandemic: a brilliant test of political capability, Online opinion - Australia's e-journal of social and political debate, Available from: http://www.onlineopinion.com.au/print.asp?article=5929 [ Accessed: July 5 2007 ]
In the public debate, the increasing rates of obesity have been assumed to be caused by the widespread availability of food . The We’re Fat and Getting Fatter! What Is the Food Industry’s Role?, by Tillotson examines the food industry's responsibility in 'the war' against obesity and the appropriate strategy that can be used to prevent and manage obesity . Unfortunately, strategies that have been employed to date in an effort to prevent the development of obesity have been disappointing, and the problem of obesity is worsening. Another article by Leeder entitle The obesity pandemic: a brilliant test of political capability describes that obesity has become significant public health concern with caused obesity such as the availability of convenient food, lack of self-control to accepts passive unhealthy foods and drink consumption in their life . While policy capability must coordinate to solve obesity with food industry and individuals .
The main idea of Tillotson's article outlines considerable the definition of obesity such as 'a health emergency or a pandemic increase in obesity'. The greatest risk exposure to obesity such as making food quickly, taste, the price that people are often rooted deeply in human psyches. Especially , obesity of childhood is the most serious public health problem in modern world . Moreover he also supports that prevents obesity is nutrition labelling content that are comprised of essentially healthy ingredients or offer improved health benefits. His article also recommends the food industry should changes in