Akash Sidhu
Arthur Miller
Biff Loman
I believe relationships in Shurtleff's test are direct connections the actor has with other individuals on or off screen. A majority of dialogue and action is played out because of relationships between different characters. Much of scenes consist of the changing dynamic in relationships be it becoming one of love, frustration of a forging a new relationship. Understanding who the other person in the scene's relationship with you will dictate the course of action you will be able to take.
Relationships are bonds that I have with other individuals. They are threads that with my family are closely forged while with other friends they are constantly changing. My relationship with Hap is probably my closest and most tightly knit relationship in my entire life. Happy is my younger brother who is doing relatively well for himself as a businessman and is someone that I can be myself with. Happy carries an aura of our childhood days and I care for him greatly and would be the first person I would consider when thinking about doing business with or having a good time with.
What I am fighting for
I believe what I am fighting for stands for the drive and the purpose behind a character's actions. Every character will have a specific dream and will consistently interact with other individuals to achieve that objective. The objective will drive action and will stir a specific response from the character that can either be verbal or physical.
I am fighting for a chance to gain respect. I want to make something out of my life and not waste it hopping from one job to another. I want to gain respect from what my father Willy, classifies as success, becoming a profitable business man. My dream is to be able to find my identity and I am speaking to the one person I can trust, my younger brother Hap because he's knows me extremely well. I am expressing agitation during this scene because Hap is pointed out a