The world of knowledge is so interesting and enchanting. It is full of different kind of information, a lot of facts and details. Opening its gates you pass into the space of unknown things, you discover something new. As a rule, we study when we are young in order to make a career, to have success and to assure for ourselves a decent level of life. I think it is correct, because at the age when we graduate from school we have to determine ourselves in what direction we’ll continue our studies. It is important to us, because in this way we determine the course of our future life. I believe we should study as much as we can, because knowledge is a real wealth and a good friend that will never betray us. Learning each day we contribute to the development of our personality and in this way we have the possibility to discover new unknown talents. We can discover them at different ages. In life there are different cases to prove it. For example a person at the age of 50 may discover that he or she is interested in painting. After these amazing discoveries as they seem to old aged people, some of them even enter the university and develop their skills in the sphere they are interested in. I admire such people, because they have no fear that other people would criticize them for their actions. But to my regret, many old aged people, even if they are interested in something, don’t begin to study, saying that they are too old, the time has gone and it can’t be returned. I consider it is a wrong conception, because if you really have the desire to learn, to develop your skills, to improve your mental abilities and to contribute to the progress of yourself, then you should study at any time you want and you should have no
The world of knowledge is so interesting and enchanting. It is full of different kind of information, a lot of facts and details. Opening its gates you pass into the space of unknown things, you discover something new. As a rule, we study when we are young in order to make a career, to have success and to assure for ourselves a decent level of life. I think it is correct, because at the age when we graduate from school we have to determine ourselves in what direction we’ll continue our studies. It is important to us, because in this way we determine the course of our future life. I believe we should study as much as we can, because knowledge is a real wealth and a good friend that will never betray us. Learning each day we contribute to the development of our personality and in this way we have the possibility to discover new unknown talents. We can discover them at different ages. In life there are different cases to prove it. For example a person at the age of 50 may discover that he or she is interested in painting. After these amazing discoveries as they seem to old aged people, some of them even enter the university and develop their skills in the sphere they are interested in. I admire such people, because they have no fear that other people would criticize them for their actions. But to my regret, many old aged people, even if they are interested in something, don’t begin to study, saying that they are too old, the time has gone and it can’t be returned. I consider it is a wrong conception, because if you really have the desire to learn, to develop your skills, to improve your mental abilities and to contribute to the progress of yourself, then you should study at any time you want and you should have no