Why go to college? Why would someone spend thousands of dollars to sit in yet another classroom? My uncle says “people that get a degree make over a million dollars more in a lifetime.” My dad counters that with “the world needs ditch diggers too.” I came to college to start my life, to become an independent man who finds his niche among society. I suppose some people can do that outside of school but I find college to be an optimum transition to the adult life as it teaches practical skills, instills a greater appreciation of the world, and makes one discontent with inequities in the community.…
Why attend a college? There are several people who don't attend to college, not knowing that a degree will help with many things. Attending a college is the first step to obtain all three of these results. First, people work at a place where they are there only for the high salary. Secondly, others don't spend much time with their family or friends for the reason that they need to work in order to provide. Finally, there are several people who have jobs that they dislike. A college is able to give many benefits, for instance, the ability to a high salary, ability to spend time with family and friends, and the ability to appreciate their job.…
Many people agree to disagree on college. There are plenty of people who do not attend college, and they find their way to the top. College gives you the extended learning skills that employers will look for when you're finding a job. The authors repeatedly express several statistics, including, “14 percent of people with a high school diploma make at least as much as those with a bachelor’s degree, and 17 percent of people with a bachelor’s degree make more than those with a professional degree.” This statistic also all depends on the major you want to pursue your career in. The choices a student makes about his or her field of study and later in a job can have a substantial impact on what he or she gets out of her degree…
Although college is costly and there is a shortage of jobs in the economy today, I feel that going to college is still important. College provides a great opportunity for people of different backgrounds. It provides students with the benefit of finding who out they really are and what they want to do in life. It also gives students the benefit of learning responsibility and preparing for adulthood. In addition, college helps students to make their own decisions and to be more independent. After graduating from college, a person is more prepared for whatever career they decide to pursue. There are many possibilities that lie ahead due to a college education.…
According to the article written by Susan J. Demas on the website eduguides.org it states “College graduates, on average make a whopping one million dollars more in lifetime earnings than those with a highschool diploma.” This statement clearly points out that college graduates make a lot more money than high school graduates make in a lifetime. Also you may think that there are a lot of expenses if you go to college and that if you went to college you would be in debt. But no that’s not the case if you go to college because you can apply for things such as scholarships or you can get a loan from the bank that you can pay off in no time because you’ll be earning so much money from a great job you got because you went to college.…
Going to college is a decision every high school graduate has to make. Although it can be expensive, the outcome is worth it. College graduates can have higher paying jobs, gain independence, and come out healthier and happier. These all are necessities for a successful lifestyle. College is a few years of hard work for a brighter…
Some people go to college for the title for being a college student for others it’s a way to leave home and become independent without completely losing the financial help of their parents. Most go because they have to, not because they want to. High school students are constantly being pressured not only by family members but also by guidance counselors to go to college because it’s the “right thing to do.” We all have an idea of what we want in life, but we end up doing the opposite and doing what our “mentors” think is best for us, resulting in being miserable.…
Students and counselors debate whether to go to college or not , can get you paid well. Students argue that you don’t have to go to college just to get paid well. On the other hand, counselors disagree with students by saying that if I go to college, then I can get paid well and have a solid career .…
Services and labor-intensive jobs are quickly being filled by technology and globalization. A college degree is the first step a student can take to set themselves apart as its surely needed. The days are gone where you can get a job fresh out of high school and work your way up the corporate latter. More and more companies are requiring college degrees. The average person with a college education makes nearly twice as much as those with only a high school diploma. A report produced in 2011 by the American Community Survey that was released by the U.S. Census Bureau stated “that those who held a bachelor's degree were expected to earn a 40-year lifetime salary of about $2.4 million on average, while high school graduates only took in a lifetime salary of about $1.4 million” (Kominski, 2011). College is an investment with high…
College graduates have better opportunities than only high school graduates. They have more opportunities in the work force. They also don’t make as much as college graduates you should go to college because it opens up a world of greatness for the person who get a masters or doctoral degree. Those degrees make a lot of difference in an interview and on a resume a degree looks great. Many people say that they would rather hire someone with a college degree rather than just a high school graduate.…
I seek to attend college after high school because I have come to the realization that in life, knowledge is key. You really can not persevere to be anything in life if you don't have the will and determination to complete the task. As of right now, the task I am trying to complete is getting into college, to better myself as an individual. My two older brothers, are prime examples of what I don't want to become, they did not accomplish going to college or have the desire to finish school. I know it will be a difficult decision on your part to accept a student like me due to my scores, rank and GPA, but I'm not the same person who I was throughout my high school days. I should have realized sooner that my incompetence was going to come back to bite, but I can assure you that I am not the same person I was before. If I could go back to choose my friends differently and make changes to different aspects of my life I would, because having the friends that I did during high school, and hanging out with the "wrong" crowd may be the biggest regret of my life. But now, as it may be late, I have acquired the common sense and integrity for myself to say enough is enough with them. I wish to go to college, and attain a degree here, to pave a better future for myself. I strongly believe attending college will teach me principles that I will not find anywhere else, along with teaching me responsibility and helping me make great friends along the way. I want to be the example to my two younger sisters that college is a must if you want to be successful, and if I could do it, then they can succeed as well. Knowledge isn't inherited; I believe anyone can attain the knowledge they wish to have, they just have to have the dedication to pursue what they want. I'm willing to put everything aside and put education first. I understand that I will need to focus and work harder in my academics, and that is something I am willing to do to get to the finish line that I am aiming for.…
What is college? College is a form of higher education after high school. There are thousands of colleges in the United States and around the world. These colleges offer opportunities to learn about a number of broad subjects. Going to college is not required or mandatory but rather a choice by an individual. Going to college costs a lot of money and a person wouldn’t spend all that money if they didn’t think it was valuable. It’s also hard work as it takes commitment to attend classes and countless hours will be spent studying. However, millions of people choose to attend. Why do they go to college?…
There’s a ton of reasons why people choose to further their education but mine is quite simple. It was because of my daughter. After I graduated high school in Germany, I never thought about attending college. I was almost 17 when I graduated and I loved not being in school anymore. For me it was all about going out and having a good time. I didn’t have a care in the world, until I got pregnant at the age of 20. While I was pregnant I reflected back on my life a lot and what I have to offer her. Even after the birth of my daughter it took me a long time to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. I knew if I were to pursue a college education not only would my parents be proud of me but I would also be a great role model to my daughter. With the economy as bad as it is, you have to have a college degree in order to get a good job. Thanks to my husband he helped me figure everything out, including what I’m majoring in.…
I think the main thing that caused me to go to college is needed to prove to myself that I can do well in school. I never tried very hard in high school so I never got very good grades. I used to think college would be to hard for me. Although it is somewhat difficult I am not doing so bad. It just takes a lot of studying and paying attention to my teachers.…
First of all, I have chosen to attend college, because I want to do better for me in the future by having a better education, and a stronger knowledge of what the world has to offer. I’ve seen some of the struggles that my family been through in the past most likely due to not going to college, and I see better for myself, so attending college is just the first step to bettering myself. College also helps me to know everything that’s needed to know about the field I am studying which is criminal justice.…