I start planning and managing my hours at work. I try to pay something on my bills so I want fall behind. Every time I have extra money I apply it to bills so my wife will never have to worry about anything. I than start counting keeping an estimate amount on my son’s items so I know when exactly he needs something.…
I would not be able to bare the news of living for a remaining time of 365 days. First, I would announce it to my family members and loved ones. We would then plan out our days so we can spend as much time together. I would announce it only to my family so they can prepare themselves for what is coming, my death. I would leave bank accounts for both of my nephews so they could afford to attend a school of their choice. I would purchase a mansion for my mother in the Dominican Republic so she could quit her job and live happily with a monthly allowance. I would buy a flight for my father and I to Cuba so we can both travel back to his home country together. My father would then demonstrate where he used to live when he resided there. We would…
If you knew you were to die tomorrow, what would be the chance you wished you had taken? Or the moments you let slip away? Would you be happy? Would you be sad? Or would you die at peace knowing that you lived life to the fullest potential? The biggest regret that people have on their deathbed is that they lived the life expected of them instead of a life true to themselves. We need to fulfill the journey this life grants us without being close to the end of life and regretting not doing the things that we should’ve or could’ve done.…
I plan to assess and identify my strengths and weakness. I will learn to manage my emotions properly.…
This experiment showed that predators turn to those that are the more visible prey, which in this case were the yellow paper moths. Since the yellow were more visible compared to the white moths, thats what predators use as their preys.…
Even though though knowing I wouldn’t have to live and do everything on my own because there’d still be my other family members, my one and only best friend, and my boyfriend. But eventually I would do the same thing as Mia, which is watch and listen to everyone else’s reactions and thoughts on my situation and then I would decide to take all the strength everyone put into me and take my boyfriend’s motivational speech to help me come back and I would just decide that I’m ready to go back into my life and try starting a new one with new memories with same people. Maybe even have new people in my new…
catch my last gasp of air and feel a few last raindrops fall on my head. I say…
My family is the most important thing to me and I promise my self and my family that I will go through life doing what I feel is right while being the most trusting, supportive, honest, loving and friendly person I can be.…
How would you and your family cope with a major tragedy? Would you be bitter, argue or cling together? And most importantly how would you even begin to move on with your life?…
My wife, children, parents, and friends. My wife would be going to work and taking care of the family. My children would be going to school and playing sports. I would keep in touch with my parents as much as possible. My old friends from school that I would keep in touch also.…
I would go to Minecon and Science Olympiad in Hawaii on a flying mosasaur! The whole Science Olympiad team would travel with me as well as some of my buddies. All of my number one Youtubers would be at Minecon and I would get selfies with them with my new iPhone 6s+! The Science Olympiad team and my friends would go scuba diving and observe lots of tropical fish and sharks! Then we would win the lottery! After that we would pinpoint an amusement park and ride all the rides we want to with fast passes so we wouldn't have to wait in the miserable lines! When we go to the Science Olympiad competition, everyone would place in their events and while we were waiting for the placing for the schools we would play with a ping-pong ball like we did at…
1. Family members life are forever change they are left to deal with their lost, there grief and the big task of moving on. During that process they will speak upon their tragedy to those who will listen.…
make a time for everything and everyone. I was just happy to be able to get my life back…
Emotional- I will set aside at least two nights a week to spend time with my family.…
It would be quite interesting to hear what family and co-workers would have to say about myself and my accomplishments in the time of my passing. I have had the privilege of growing up in a very supportive home, where I was unconditionally loved. My family instilled in me the values that I carry with me everywhere and they are a part of who I am as well as what I pride myself on. I would hope that they would appreciate and acknowledge the values they instilled in me. These are such values as honesty, integrity, respect, honor, truthfulness, loyalty, trust, and reliability. I feel I owe it to my parents and family to create a positive image of them when I am away from them. My mother and my father would agree that I have chosen a life based on the values they have given me, and also did my best to carry them on to the family I created as well. Whatever I do reflects on them and they would say I made sure that whatever I did, I did it good and responsibly. I am very grateful for my family but at the same time realize that not everyone had the opportunities I was given. When raising a child one is taught values by their families that they feel are important for their child to have. Values that are important in my family are honesty, trust and to have respect for others. They would say I upheld these values in all aspects of my life and made them proud. Each of these values is equally important in my family and they would say they played a big role into making me the person I am now.…