The speaker begins by introducing the water lily as a stage for the activity that goes on around it. He describes “a green level of lily leaves” that “reefs the petal’s chamber and paves the flies’ furious arena,”--a cover for the activity below and the ground for the action above. The picture establishes the speaker’s view of nature as a complex body with layers that reach beyond its seemingly inactive surface. The language used by the speaker to describe the lily leaves, marked by alliteration and subtle imagery, also demonstrates the speaker’s appreciation of the beauty of nature’s “outer surface,” the face it shows most plainly to the casual observer. The speaker also personifies nature by describing it as a “lady” with “two minds,” clearly those that exist above and below its surface. Study these, the speaker notes to himself, and only then can one develop an accurate understanding of the heart of nature.…
There was the bole of an olive tree with long leaves growing strongly in the courtyard, and it was thick, like a column. I laid down my chamber around this … Then I cut away the foliage of the long-leaved olive, and trimmed the trunk from the roots up, planning it with a brazen adze, well and expertly, and trued it straight to a chalkline, making a bedpost of it, and bored all hones with an auger.…
The Deer Ladies Leaves twirled around me as I stood in the middle of this lonely, yet enchanting forest. A small flutter fills the air as hundreds of leaves float down from the treetops, then the silence returns as the leaves touch the surface of a nearby pool. A faint song rang through the trees, accompanied by the occasional cry of a raven. If only every day could be like this. silent and peaceful, yet hear the storm brewing.…
‘The Snow Gum’ is a poem which explores an Australian iconic gum tree that grows in the snowy areas of Australia. Douglas Stewart’s vision of the snow gum tree on a sunny day in winter, casting its shadow on the flat snow is conveyed with a variety of imagery and by using various language techniques. The poet uses descriptive language in the second stanza starting from “leaf upon Leaf fidelity” to “Now shown in clear reflection”. This describes the imagery of the gumtree’s reflection on the snow. The word “fidelity” and the repetition of “leaf” combine the idea of a relationship between the tree and its shadow and how they are being faithful to each other. This use of language conveys to the reader how accurate and sharp the shadow is on the show as it copies every movement of the tree. This enables the reader to understand and visualise the scene described by the poet. The use of personification in the first stanza “Performing its slow miracle” outlines the human like actions done by a non-human object. The reader can “see” the “performance” of the tree its shadow. The word “miracle” also provides a sense of god-like properties that adds to its beauty and nobility. In the last stanza, the repetition of “out of the “in the first two lines coveys a…
The use of imagination brings a child's perspective of the garden to a level in which everything is brought to life in and around the backyard. The child's perspective makes simple items show great symbolism such as the washing line which lifts the persona to an "exalter position, almost sky high". The washing line is also personified with "sliver skeletal arms" and is "best climbing tree" which metaphorically describes the washing line. Sustained metaphors like "pegs adorning its trunk" are used to further show the responder the comparison between the washing line and a tree. The use of similes enables the responder to be able to take part in the poem and see things in the eyes of an imaginative child, a child who finds a simple backyard, where clothes can be hung like "coloured flags in a secret code", mystifying and amusing.…
*Throughout my childhood my yard possessed a tree, a wonderful oak tree filled with life and virtue. This tree capturing the eye with its beautiful and destructive properties. This symbol of life and nature constantly…
« The silence of the forest was more oppressive than the heat, and at this hour of the day there was not even the whine of insects. Only when Jack himself roused a gaudy bird from a primitive nest of sticks was the silence shattered and echoes set ringing by a harsh cry that seemed to come out of the abyss of ages. Jack himself shrank at this cry with a hiss of indrawn breath, and for a minute became less a hunter than a furtive thing, ape-like among the tangle of trees. Then the trail, the frustration, claimed him again and he searched the ground avidly. By the trunk of a vast tree that grew pale flowers on its grey bark he checked, closed his eyes, and once more drew in the warm air; and this time his breath came short, there was even a passing pallor in his face, and then the surge of blood again. He passed like a shadow under the darkness of the tree and crouched, looking down at the trodden ground at his feet. »…
The forests between our house and the full-banked river were very beautiful. The wild cherry and the dogwood were in full bloom. The squirrels were leaping from tree to tree, and the birds were making a various melody.” She truly appreciated every aspect of her time with her father, the imagery shows that.…
In Sonia Sotomayor’s book, My Beloved World, Sotomayor mentioned a memory in her childhood that I could definitely relate my past with. “If I needed to have these shots every day for the rest of my life, the only way I’d survive was to do it myself.” Those lines represent a time in Sotomayor’s life when a decision had to be made. She had to either learn how to prepare the syringe and inject the insulin or she could possibly risk being stabbed in the face by her panicking mother or father. This image reminds me of a time in my childhood when my grandmother grew too weak to manage herself around the house, and especially me. Being the youngest child of 7 at the time, someone had to take care of me while my siblings were at school and my parents were at work. We were a low income family who gradually lived off food stamps so we couldn’t really afford a babysitter. Grandma would usually be the one who took care of me but since her hip surgery, she became very immobile. I didn’t know much about taking care of myself but it had to be learned and it had to be fast.…
In a passage adapted from “A White Heron” by Sarah Orne Jewett, a little girl goes on a monumental adventure. Sylvia, the protagonist, climbs an enormous tree that “whoever climbed to the top could see the ocean” (10). Climbing the tree symbolizes Sylvia’s coming of age from girl to woman. The author dramatizes this climb using imagery and narrative pace.…
A child’s curiosity is a beautiful and marvelous spectacle which can be seen in the short passage from the text A White Heron, by Sarah Orne Jewett. In this short passage the author details the story of a young girl whose curiosity leads her to climbing a tree in order to see miles and miles into the distance. In order to accomplish this, the author explores several literary devices such as diction, imagery and point of view to develop a scene which readers can picture and connect to.…
The poem follows the narrator’s internal monologue as he revisits a place of nostalgia that ignited his love of nature. His fears that the picturesque scene of his childhood has been idealized are quieted as he sees the place for the first time in five years, falling in love with the environment all over again. He even credits nature as “The anchor of my purest thoughts, the nurse,/The guide, the guardian of my heart, and soul/Of all my moral being” (Wordsworth LL. 109-111). His ecological thinking recharges his soul and makes him feel joyful about life once again. Nature also connects the narrator to his sister, who he sees himself in because of their love of the countryside. He acknowledges his sister the first time in the poem as his “dear, dear Friend; and in thy voice I catch/The language of my former heart, and read/My former pleasures in the shooting lights/Of thy wild eyes” (Wordsworth LL.…
As I stepped outside my porch, like any other day, to attend my morning quite-time. This day wasn’t just like others. I was so peaceful and quite. I saw the sun’s rays in my eye, lighting my way step by step. It shined so bright, it burned my eye. I saw the beautiful green trees up across the sky, with birds flying over them and other just waiting to sing…
The childrens range of heights is described as a melodious chime which relies on the sound as well as the image. Both images are pleasant and, indeed, the picture the poet paints here is at first glance pleasant.…
In the solar system, the earth, was made to work properly, and in addition, to have the ability to allow humans to inhabit on it. Being the only planet that humans are able to live on, God have designed and made the magnificent earth genuinely. First, there's the protected atmosphere that's poisonous in every way, but gratefully placed up in the sky, ten miles above the surface, made from the significant element— oxygen, lacking elsewhere in the solar system. Secondly, the earth is tilted at the angle of 23.5 degrees, the perfect angle to create in order to be gifted with seasons and years. Finally, there is the orderly world; created to work like a clock, that the exact time of the next appearance of a comet, or even the exact time of everyday 's sunrise, sunset, highest and lowest tide can be calculated. God had made earth in perfection with great care and genuine in order for his children to live.…