Have you ever wondered why a baby seems to prefer the touch and comfort of his mother over that of his father? New research topics are concerned with the differences in maternal relationships with children opposed to paternal ones. The possibility of an acquired preference for the touch and comfort of a baby’s mother than that of their father has been suggested. Parent-infant attachment bonds begin to form after birth and an intense bond formulates with caregivers. The caregivers in most cases are the parents of the child. Infants, through experience, then come to prefer familiar faces and voices. By 12 months, infants have usually developed a relationship with a parent. This infant-parent bond is an emotional tie developed when children seeking closeness to the caregiver and showing distress upon separation (Myers, 186). Two crucial aspects of the development of attachment are the influence of body contact and familiarity. After the development of attachment, children begin to acquire a questionable preference for the comfort of their mother. Due to this preference, a mother has a stronger influence over her infant, as seen in the empirical evidence of Lars-Erick Malmberg and Eirini Flouri. In a press article in MSNBC news labeled “Move over dad: Mom’s better at soothing baby’s pain”, psychological researchers claim that babies “show less pain when their mother holds them than when their dad tries to comfort them” (Move over dad: Mom’s better at soothing baby’s pain). However, the more important conclusion drawn from this study was the evidence that the soothing technique used by either parent was more beneficial in helping babies get through a stressful experience than when no parent was present to provide comfort. This evidence displays the essential need for children to obtain some sort of comfort, even minimal, as opposed to receiving no attention and risking the development of dismissive attachment styles in the future. Researchers
Have you ever wondered why a baby seems to prefer the touch and comfort of his mother over that of his father? New research topics are concerned with the differences in maternal relationships with children opposed to paternal ones. The possibility of an acquired preference for the touch and comfort of a baby’s mother than that of their father has been suggested. Parent-infant attachment bonds begin to form after birth and an intense bond formulates with caregivers. The caregivers in most cases are the parents of the child. Infants, through experience, then come to prefer familiar faces and voices. By 12 months, infants have usually developed a relationship with a parent. This infant-parent bond is an emotional tie developed when children seeking closeness to the caregiver and showing distress upon separation (Myers, 186). Two crucial aspects of the development of attachment are the influence of body contact and familiarity. After the development of attachment, children begin to acquire a questionable preference for the comfort of their mother. Due to this preference, a mother has a stronger influence over her infant, as seen in the empirical evidence of Lars-Erick Malmberg and Eirini Flouri. In a press article in MSNBC news labeled “Move over dad: Mom’s better at soothing baby’s pain”, psychological researchers claim that babies “show less pain when their mother holds them than when their dad tries to comfort them” (Move over dad: Mom’s better at soothing baby’s pain). However, the more important conclusion drawn from this study was the evidence that the soothing technique used by either parent was more beneficial in helping babies get through a stressful experience than when no parent was present to provide comfort. This evidence displays the essential need for children to obtain some sort of comfort, even minimal, as opposed to receiving no attention and risking the development of dismissive attachment styles in the future. Researchers