A Clinical Capstone Proposal
Presented to the Faculty of the School of Health Sciences
La Salle University
In Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Jordan Hopchik
Doctor of Nursing Practice Program
Author: Jordan Hopchik
Approved by: _____________________________________________ Name and credentials, Chairperson
_________________________________________ Name and credentials, Committee member
_________________________________________ Name and credentials, Committee member
Date: ___________
Demand for colonoscopy exceeds capacity in the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). A small number of innovative VHA facilities have created colonoscopy-training fellowships for nurse practitioners (NPs) and physician assistants (PAs). A gastroenterology community of practice (CoP) might provide knowledge sharing and professional networking opportunities for NP and PA colonoscopists, based on assessment of their need for professional activities. A critical appraisal of related literature pointed out key motivational and structural elements of CoPs. Content experts will review the draft survey and the revised survey will be piloted with several non-physician colonoscopists. Using snowball sampling, a needs assessment survey will be conducted to determine if credentialed non-physician endoscopists would be interested in joining a gastroenterology endoscopy CoP and would identify preferences for the structure and delivery of a CoP. Keywords: nurse practitioner, physician assistant, community of practice, needs assessment, survey, knowledge
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