Equality: making sure people are treated fairly and given fair chances. Equality is not about treating everyone in the same way, but it recognises that their needs are met in different ways.…
Equality is ensuring that all individuals or groups of people are treated fairly and no less favourably than others, but it does not mean that everyone is to be treated exactly the same. Equality is all about treating people in a way that is appropriate for their needs; for example if a woman in a wheelchair wanted to get on a plane it would be no use saying “I am treating you equally to the other passengers, here are the stairs.” What is needed in that situation is a way for her to board the plane without embarrassing her or treating her in a worse way than the other passengers, this is equality.…
Equality- means treating people in a way which is appropriate for their needs.make sure they have fair treatment and access to opportunities even if they have different abilities culture, race, gender, or any other group characteristic.…
Equality is a state of being equal in terms of value, quantity or quality. It is about uniformity. It is also about ensuring that people are treated fairly and given fair chances. Equality is not about treating everyone in exactly the same way, it is about recognising and valuing individual needs and seeking to meet them in different…
Equality: Equality means ensuring individuals or groups of individuals are treated fairly and equally to mean their specific needs. This includes areas of race, gender, disability, religion, age and sexual orientation.…
This wonderfully crafted novel, Anthem by: Ayn Rand suggested many ideas concerning how effective and “perfect” utopian societies are. In the story our protagonist, equality, lives in a utopian society in the future however the societies technology isn’t very futuristic. All of what we have know has been stripped from the society to the point where they don’t have electricity and they use candles for light and primitive ways of farming instead of more productive ways to mass produce crops. Equality’s society is also practices extreme collectivism. The citizens were taught from a very young age that nothing good can come about unless you work together with your fellow brothers. Engraved in their palace of the world council there is a moral “we are one in all and all in one. There are no men but only the great WE, one, indivisible and forever.” However, in this “we” based world, equality finds himself drifting away from his brothers and after he finds this deserted tunnel he starts escaping to it and writing his own thoughts and performing his own experiments and he comes up with a light bulb, he then shows this light to a council of scholars who basically rejected his idea and he ran away from the society to a forest where he then lives in an abandoned house with another runaway citizen liberty, and they fall in love.…
Irrespectively to what is your background, religion, culture, personality, age, gender, disability, size, accent, language everyone should be treated the same/fairly and their human rights should be respected. Equality is to give all people equal opportunities, fair access to jobs, training, goods and services.…
Equality means treating everyone with fairness and respect and recognising the needs of the individuals and given equal opportunites without discrimination of sex age or religion.…
Equality means that we are all treated fairly we all have the same support and we all have Equal rights.…
Equality means that everyone in society have the same opportunities in everyday life regardless of their age, gender, disability, religion, beliefs and sexual orientation. Treating everyone as equal means every individual can achieve their potential and dreams free from discrimination. Everyone is entitled to having the same opportunities without being judged.…
Equality is ensuring that everybody is treated fairly, equally and as an individual specific to their own needs.…
Equality – Equality ensures that everyone is treated equally in a way that is appropriate for their individual needs. It does not necessarily mean treated the same as individuals requirements differ.…
What is “Utopia”? Is there a utopia in existence in our world today? According to merriam-webster.com, “A utopia is an imaginary place in which the government, laws and social conditions are perfect.” When it comes to a utopia, there are none in existence since a utopia is a community where everything is perfect. Nothing and no one is perfect in life and flaws do exist. The fact that the definition has the word ‘imaginary’ shows that it doesn’t exist. If a perfect utopia existed then everyone would want to live there and be a part of that specific utopia. This whole unit we have been studying utopias and looking at different communities and how they exist. Two of the communities that we studied were the people of Jonestown and another community was the Omelas community. In this paper I hope to explore the differences and similarities between these two communities and if they have aspects…
Equality is to treat all as individuals; to respect race, disability, age, gender, religion, beliefs, culture and sexual orientation. Everyone has fair access to opportunities and chances.…
My own view of a utopian society is fairly simple, a place in which there is no pain, no crime, no anger, no corruption, where there is no need for "justice", a place where murders would never take place. The government would be a public government, in which all citizens would take actions they make would be fair not ingnerent like our govement. Women and men would have equal writes and shar opinons. If a war would start in my utopian nations and friends and answer 'stop this is a place of love'.But in society today this would never happen. than society would answer the call to war and fight to protect their homes. Also i would try protecting my nation, governments, to help protect/uphold laws and to rebuild the economy. Every person would be perfect have a home, good education and health, and grow up in the safety of a caring family. In nature they would be no killing, food would be grown and not effecct the food chain and we would eat speacly bread animals.…