A Personalised Induction Will Always Be More Effective”.
“The real vehicle for change is the induction which produces, or causes, an hypnotic state.” (Hadley and Staudacher, page 23, 2001) The role of the induction is a vital one, its purpose being to achieve mental focus and absorption that makes therapeutic suggestion more effective. It is essential therefore that such an intrinsic component of hypnosis is undertaken in the most optimum way. In order to fully explore the essay title, it is necessary to consider the make-up, function and application of personalised and generic inductions, their advantages and disadvantages. The scope for the hypnotherapist which personalised inductions provide is vast, with techniques, observations and methods available to enhance its application. It is stated by Karle and Boys (page 8, 1987) that “Truly professional practice is characterized by the creation of a unique and original approach to each new patient, even though this will always be based upon and informed by validated theoretical models and principles.” There are many reasons for personalising inductions and each is essentially encompassing human beings’ individuality at its core. Our uniqueness means that each client will be coming from a different background, education, belief-system, with specific life experiences, views and thoughts. The hypnotherapist becomes aware of likes and dislikes and any blocks a client may have with certain imagery such as a phobia of lifts which if used as part of the induction could prove to have a negative impact. There may for example be two clients with presenting issues of insomnia; both of whom detail difficulty or inability to fall asleep. While they may initially display the same problem, there will be different life triggers and physiological and/or psychological reasons for them. One client may be suffering from a core issue of bereavement while the other suffers from stress and anxiety. Tailoring the induction to the specific needs of the client is therefore
Bibliography: Hadley, Josie and Staudacher, Carol. 2001. Hypnosis for Change. New Age Books.
Heap, Michael and Dryden, Windy. 2010. Hypnotherapy. Open University Press.
Karle, Hellmut and Boys, Jennifer. 1987. Hypnotherapy – A Practical Handbook. Free Association Books.
Rosen, Sidney. 1991. My voice will go with you. Norton