These two images are arranged and deliver information on a similar topic, but in different styles. According to Image 1, our first impression at a glance is humour even though it is an advertising campaign about the victims of car accidents The CCVR (The centre of consultancy for the road victims) attempts to deliver this message to the viewer “Well, It’s not like that. Usually, the victim is an innocent. Drive cautiously, save a life!” This organization advertised their campaign by changing our ideology. An ideology is a set of social values, ideas, beliefs, feelings and representations by which people collectively make sense of the world they live in. (Stadler and O 'Shaughnessy, 2008). People began to believe
Bibliography: Allen, G. (2003). Roland Barthes. London: Routledge. Cook, G. (1992). The Discourse of Advertising. London: Routledge. Marie Gillespie and Jason Toynbee. (2006). Analysing Media Texts. Berkshire: The Open University Press. Michael O 'Shaughnessy, Jane Stadler. (2008). Media & society. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Sturken M, Cartwright L. (2009). Practices of Looking: An Introduction to Visual Culture. Oxford: Oxford University Press. The Media Education Lab website, (2012). The University of Rhode Island. [online] Available at: < > [Accessed 18 November 2012 ].