Ever since the beginning of mankind, women could not enjoy the status equal to men, however, in the present era of modernization and globalization women have earned a lot of social, economical, political as well as legal recognition and status. Though, all these advantages are most enjoyed in the First World countries that are not only economically, socially and politically developed but also technologically advanced and modernized states of the globe. On the other hand women of the developing countries (Third World Countries) are not as privileged and lack basic social, economical and political rights, varying from country to country depending upon the social and religious culture of these countries. Therefore, the level of social, political and economic disadvantages varies from state to state depending upon their development level among the list of the Third World Countries. At the same time, there is also difference in these statuses of women from rural areas to urban areas. Most importantly due to globalization, the developed world is focusing more on developing the third world countries by providing various social, technological as well as economical aids to women of both rural and urban sectors of the developing world.
However, Bangladesh is one of the most densely populated countries in the world. The country has a population of about 140 million. Maternal Mortality Ratio remains high in Bangladesh at a ratio of 3.2. Only 13% deliveries are attended by skilled birth attendants, 92% deliveries take place at home and institutional delivery is only 8%. Major causes of maternal death are hemorrhage, eclampsia, puerperal sepsis and obstructed labour.
In Bangladesh every year about 3 million deliveries take place and around 12 thousand mothers die due to pregnancy related causes. On the other hand every year two hundred thousand mothers suffer from long-term ailments due to lack of consciousness of the family as well as the lack of medical facility