Sarah S
Coun-502 Human growth and development
Dr. Christina Villarreal-Davis
8. May 2012
In most of the Eastern cultures women are perceived to be a liability and receive little to no education, proper nutrition, or medical help. This mindset towards women in several cultures becomes a contributing factor for the poor health conditions. In addition to this mindset the low socio-economic status of women, due to poverty and lack of education places them in less-privileged positions which results in compromised health. One major health issue in the developing world is maternal mortality. Ninety five percent of maternal deaths occur in Asia and Africa. In 2005, the estimated number of maternal deaths is an alarming 536,000. Lack of education, poor medical facilities, and inadequate nutrition are some of the factors that contribute to maternal mortality. Though interrelated to several of these causes, nutrition alone is not the major causative factor in maternal mortality. Some of the major causes of maternal deaths are as follows: anemia, preeclampsia, hemorrhage, sepsis, abortion and obstructed labor. Also the lack of proper dietary intake during pregnancy affects both the mother and the growing fetus. This establishes the need for a transformation in the mindset of people in order to prioritize the health of women in general and pregnant women in specific. As such this paper seeks to answer several questions. Is maternal death the fate of the lesser being? Or does the change in the perception towards women help in reducing maternal mortality? What are the alternate viable options to handle this health issue?
Diet in relation to maternal mortality
The status of women in the society and her health are intricately interrelated. The health of a pregnant woman is profoundly influenced by her circumstances, economic, and social status and the environment in which she lives (Priya, Ashok & Suresh, 2010).
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