Part 1: Colonial Period to Civil War
Colonial Times 1607 -1775
1. From 1600 -1763, several European nations vied for control of the North American continent. Why did England win the struggle? (73)
2. In the seventeenth century, New England Puritans tried to create a model society. What were their aspirations, and to what extent were those aspirations fulfilled during the seventeenth century? (83)
3. In the two decades before the outbreak of the American Revolutionary War, there was a profound shift in the way many Americans thought and felt about the British government and their colonial governments. Assess the validity of this statement in view of the political and constitutional debates of these decades. (89)
4. Throughout the colonial period, economic concerns had more to do with the settling of British North America than did religious concerns. Assess the validity of this statement with specific reference to economic and religious concerns. (90)
5. For the period before 1750, analyze the ways in which Britain's policy of salutary neglect influenced the development of American society as illustrated in the following:
Legislative assemblies Commerce Religion (95)
6. Analyze the extent to which religious freedom existed in the British North American colonies prior to 1700. (98)
7. Analyze the cultural and economic responses of TWO of the following groups to the Indians of North America before 1750.
British French Spanish (2000)
8. How did economic, geographic, and social factors encourage the growth of slavery as an important part of the economy of the southern colonies between 1607 and 1775? (2001)
9. Compare the ways in which religion shaped the development of colonial society (to 1740) in TWO of the following regions:
New England Chesapeake Middle Atlantic (2002)
10. Compare the ways in which TWO of the following reflected tensions in colonial