The first standard I have chosen to address is, ‘2.1 Be more accountable for children’s progress, attainment and outcomes’ (NCTL,2013:2), which I hope to achieve by November 2013. In order to help a child develop, we must begin by observing a child, assess their level of development and plan for them based on their interests. When observing a child we must ensure that we are recording the observations appropriately, basing them on evidence and not opinion as is stated in the Common Core competencies (CC) (CWCD,2010:10) Good observations further enable us to create a strong foundation to plan relevant activities for children. Once this has been completed, it is extremely important to reflect on what we have done. Reflection is integral to improving a child’s progress, attainment and outcomes and provides us with the opportunity to assess the results of an activity, so we can plan appropriate next steps or adapt the activity to make it more appropriate to a child’s needs and abilities. I am confident in my ability to design exciting and relevant activities for the children in my care, but have chosen to focus on improving my ability to constructively reflect on these activities, to ensure the next steps can have the best possible learning opportunities for the child. This is why I want to devise an improved planning system whereby staff can, ‘Draw upon personal experiences and other people’s perspectives, to help you reflect,
The first standard I have chosen to address is, ‘2.1 Be more accountable for children’s progress, attainment and outcomes’ (NCTL,2013:2), which I hope to achieve by November 2013. In order to help a child develop, we must begin by observing a child, assess their level of development and plan for them based on their interests. When observing a child we must ensure that we are recording the observations appropriately, basing them on evidence and not opinion as is stated in the Common Core competencies (CC) (CWCD,2010:10) Good observations further enable us to create a strong foundation to plan relevant activities for children. Once this has been completed, it is extremely important to reflect on what we have done. Reflection is integral to improving a child’s progress, attainment and outcomes and provides us with the opportunity to assess the results of an activity, so we can plan appropriate next steps or adapt the activity to make it more appropriate to a child’s needs and abilities. I am confident in my ability to design exciting and relevant activities for the children in my care, but have chosen to focus on improving my ability to constructively reflect on these activities, to ensure the next steps can have the best possible learning opportunities for the child. This is why I want to devise an improved planning system whereby staff can, ‘Draw upon personal experiences and other people’s perspectives, to help you reflect,