Christopher J Morin
College Of Central Florida
What is our duties and obligations to our country. What is the importance of these duties to our nation, government, and the other citizens of the united states. What is questioned to be the beliefs of those who do not know what is our duties as citizens. and brief examples of our duties and obligations to the government based upon the constitution. It is our duty as citizens to abide by the constitution. To protect the constitution and all it details in. To vote and express out voice through electing representation to speak on our behalf. To serve on a jury to represent the constitution and our government overseeing the rights of the people and to help determine what is just and constitutional by law. It is our duty to obey the laws given to us by the constitution and the government because it is meant to protect and serve us. It is our duty to pay our taxes on time and in a just manner so our government can provide securities to us. It is our obligation if being selected by the draft we go willingly to serve and protect our country, our government, and its people.
How well do you think the average U.S. citizen abides by the Constitution? We mostly hear about what the Constitution does for us. For example the Constitution gives us Articles and Amendments that state our freedoms, rules, and regulations that are either stated or implied for us and our government to follow and uphold. Are you as a citizen truly upholding your part of this written document considered contract that our country was founded upon. What obligations and duties are being upheld by citizens of the United States. Certain obligations are required by our Constitution to be upheld by its nations citizens. An example in short being preserving, protecting, and defending the Constitution. Our jobs as citizens is to ensure that we can fulfill these