Dear Respondent,
This is an assessment about the main characteristics of the market structure of the telecommunications industry and its impacts on the provision of services to customers.
The researcher kindly asks that you answer all questions truthfully, since the given information will be confidential. The researcher appreciates your co-operation and would prefer for you to indicate your answer by the use of a (√) tick when necessary.
Yours respectfully, ------------------------
Crystel Rodney (Student)
1. Gender
Male ( ) Female ( )
2. Age group
20-25 ( ) 25-30 ( ) 30-35 ( ) 35-40 ( ) older ( )
3. Ethnicity
African ( ) Amerindian ( ) European ( ) Portuguese ( )
East-Indian ( ) Mixed ( )
4. What type of market structure exists in the telecommunications industry?
Monopolistic ( ) Perfect Competition ( ) Monopoly ( )
Duopoly ( )
5. What are the characteristics of the market structure of the telecommunications industry?
Two firms ( )
Barriers to entry and exit ( )
Homogeneous and defrenciated products ( )
All of the above ( )
6. What are the two existing firms in the telecommunications industry?
Gizmos and Gadgets and U-Mobile ( )
T-Mobile and Wireless Connections ( )
Digicel and GT&T ( )
7. What are some of the services offered by these industries?
Landline services ( )
Internet services ( )
Mobile services ( )
All of the above ( )
8. What are the barriers to entry and exit in the telecommunications industry?
Economies of scale ( ) Sunk costs ( )
Complex technologies ( ) All of the above ( )
9. Which firm has 25 year patent with the government?
Digicel ( ) GT&T ( )
10. What are some of the market failures that affect these industries?
Missing markets ( )
Negative externalities ( )
Inequalities ( )
All of the above ( )
11. What are some of the impacts of market failure on the