Anthropology 101, Fall 2013
Lecture 1 (Intro/What is Anthro)
Kottak ch. 1 (TWO QUESTIONS) – what anthropologist do, 4 fields, diversity
Festival Formatting- (foods they eat, how they dress, religious beliefs etc) prove that you’re this or that, usually identifies that you are secular. Have an identity and display it, marketed in English to present yourself to a larger society with no class differences. If you represent mainstream you can’t be in a festival formatting.
Anthropology- The study of the human species and its immediate ancestors.
Holism- situate anything with the human condition- finds relations to something else (the whole) Comparative because you compare societies and cultures to other societies and cultures.
It develops a cross-cultural understanding of humanity. (Time and place)
Four fields of anthropology
Linguistic - The branch of anthropology that studies linguistic variation in time and space, including interrelations between language and culture; includes historical linguistics and sociolinguistics. (Language, why we chose words)
Socio-Cultural- The study of human society and culture; describes, analyzes, interprets, and explains social and cultural similarities and differences. Describes, analyzes, interprets, and explains the differences and similarities found among human societies and cultures today and in the (recent) past. (Talk to people)
Biological The branch of anthropology that studies human biological diversity in time and space—for instance, hominid evolution, human genetics, human biological adaptation; also includes primatology (behavior and evolution of monkeys and apes). Also called physical anthropology. (primate, forensic, evolution) Archaeology The branch of anthropology that reconstructs, describes, and interprets human behavior and cultural patterns through material remains; best known for the study of prehistory. Also known as "archaeology." (dig, material