2. Progressivism started in cities and tried to fix the inefficiency and corruption in the city government. In urban areas reform was trying to be made to the slums and the improvement of the cities. Gradually the progressivism moved to the state level where it made reforms. All of this reform ultimately led to the greater national progressivism.
3. Women were sopposed to stay in their sphere, the home. But, with progressivism they got out more and fought for reform. They tried to reform many things such as child labor and making sure food that got to the table was safe. Female reformers joined many groups and gave themselves a national stage for social investigation and advocracy. Women fought for factory reform and for temperance. Women were successful in factory reform in many ways.
4. Roosevelt brought the time of controlling the big businesses and not letting them be to powerful and continue the problems(like bribing officials) that they had in the past. Roosevelt created the Bureau of Corporations, which probed businesses engaged in interstate commerce. Roosevelt had used force against a mining company to give workers a higher pay and lower working hours. The Elkins Act (1903) was created against the railroad companies. The Hepburn Act (1906) said that free passes, with the hint of bribery, were severely restricted and the Interstate Commerce Commission was expanded. Also, Roosevelt sought to stop bad trusts,