
The Basic Ideals Of The Progressive Movement

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The Basic Ideals Of The Progressive Movement
The basic ideals of progressivism posit that social and historical developments cannot be avoided. The ideology of progressivism beliefs that movement is directed towards an ideal which could include the perfection of human nature as well as the society. The individuals who are driven by progressivism have the idea in mind that at the end of history there will be absolute freedom, social equality, utopia as well as economic equality for all the people. The future is viewed as being superior compared to the past due to tendency to progress. Some of the progressives think that any progress requires reforms in the social, economic as well as the political aspects (Murrin et al.). The basic ideals of progressivism, the philosophies and ideologies …show more content…
He was nominated by both Democratic Party and Populist Party for Presidency in 1896. Bryan fought against American imperialism even though he never became the president of the United States. William Jennings Bryan supported the Progressive Movement. In 1912, President Wilson appointed Bryan as the secretary of State. Bryan and Wilson disagreed since the former tried to evade the First world war. Therefore, Bryan valued diplomatic relations. He resigned from office but remained active. Bryan was against Darwinism especially with regards to religious as well as humanitarian reasons. Besides, Bryan advocated for the legislation of Prohibition and promoting Florida real estate. Also, he championed for the expansion of the federal government to factor in the welfare of the ordinary Americans. However, Bryan was against the equality of the races and thus he did not respect the blacks by supporting the system of Jim …show more content…
Previously before Trump assumed office, the United States was under progressive neoliberalism. President Trump had pledged to reduce free aid to other nations and wishes that other continents like Africa could be recolonized again (Sable & Torres). Trump ideologies resemble those of William Jennings Bryan who was against the blacks. According to Trump, all blacks including the former President Obama should be deported. Trump has the idea of making America great again by reclaiming its lost glory. Trumps’ ideologies are inconsistent with the ideals of Progressivism with regards to issues such as social equality. He also advocates for the deportation of illegal immigrants. His foreign policy and diplomatic relation have taken a shift as he engages with war with Iraq and Syria. He is also consistent with Wilson’s philosophies of rebuilding the economy by adopting Keynesian

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