Chapter 2 Identifications 1.) English Protestant Reformation: took place in 1530’s when King Henry VII broke with the Roman Catholic Church. 2.) “Sea Dogs”: English buccaneers who sought to promote the twin goals of Protestantism and plunder by seizing Spanish treasure ships and raiding Spanish settlements. 3.) Francis Drake: famous “sea dog” who returned in 1580 with his ship full of Spanish booty and was knighted by Queen Elizabeth on the deck of his ship. 4.) Sir Humphrey Gilbert: promoter of the first English attempt at colonization; lost his life at sea in 1583. 5.) Sir Walter Raleigh: Sir Humphrey Gilbert’s half-brother who was inspired by Gilbert’s dream to try again in warmer climes. Organized an expedition that first landed in 1585 on Roanoke Island that later vanished after several false starts. 6.) “Invincible Armada”: Phillip II of Spain created this, ships for an invasion of England. Marked the beginning of the end of Spanish imperial dreams. 7.) Elizabeth I: Accused of being vain, prejudiced and miserly, she proved to be an usually successful leader. Never married. 8.) Enclosure: because the population was “mushrooming”, landlords had to enclose the croplands, putting many farmers out of business and on the roads. 9.) “Surplus Population”: What England was being described as during the 17th century because the population had increased from 3 to 4 million people from 1550 to 1600. 10.) Primogeniture: laws that decreed that only eldest sons were eligible to inherit landed estates. 11.) Joint-Stock Company: this enables a considerable number of investors, called “adventurers,” to pool their capital. 12.) Virginia Company: a joint-stock company that received a charter for King James I for England for a settlement in the New World. This joint-stock company, like many, was intended to endure for only a few years, after which its stockholders hoped to liquidate it for a profit. 13.) James I:
Chapter 2 Identifications 1.) English Protestant Reformation: took place in 1530’s when King Henry VII broke with the Roman Catholic Church. 2.) “Sea Dogs”: English buccaneers who sought to promote the twin goals of Protestantism and plunder by seizing Spanish treasure ships and raiding Spanish settlements. 3.) Francis Drake: famous “sea dog” who returned in 1580 with his ship full of Spanish booty and was knighted by Queen Elizabeth on the deck of his ship. 4.) Sir Humphrey Gilbert: promoter of the first English attempt at colonization; lost his life at sea in 1583. 5.) Sir Walter Raleigh: Sir Humphrey Gilbert’s half-brother who was inspired by Gilbert’s dream to try again in warmer climes. Organized an expedition that first landed in 1585 on Roanoke Island that later vanished after several false starts. 6.) “Invincible Armada”: Phillip II of Spain created this, ships for an invasion of England. Marked the beginning of the end of Spanish imperial dreams. 7.) Elizabeth I: Accused of being vain, prejudiced and miserly, she proved to be an usually successful leader. Never married. 8.) Enclosure: because the population was “mushrooming”, landlords had to enclose the croplands, putting many farmers out of business and on the roads. 9.) “Surplus Population”: What England was being described as during the 17th century because the population had increased from 3 to 4 million people from 1550 to 1600. 10.) Primogeniture: laws that decreed that only eldest sons were eligible to inherit landed estates. 11.) Joint-Stock Company: this enables a considerable number of investors, called “adventurers,” to pool their capital. 12.) Virginia Company: a joint-stock company that received a charter for King James I for England for a settlement in the New World. This joint-stock company, like many, was intended to endure for only a few years, after which its stockholders hoped to liquidate it for a profit. 13.) James I: