In formative assessment, teacher or assessor monitor students learning performance during the learning time against a set criteria. Students struggling areas are identified by feedback records and action plan for teachers to adopt teaching strategies and student to motivate for more study is adjusted.
In Summative assessment, teacher evaluates the learner’s performance at the end of an instructional unit by comparing it against a standard and other students’ performance. Summative assessments are high stakes or high point values and include:
a) Written exams
b) Quizzes
c) Dissertations and projects
d) Instead of comparing the advantages and disadvantages of these assessment types, I would prefer to discuss assessment instruments I used in these assessments and talk about their merits and demerits.
Assessment type Strength Limitations
1. Written exams
1. Good tool to assess students’ knowledge without guessing.
2. It forces student to think and articulate that thinking.
3. Take less time to create test as compared to MCQ where assessor has to make more choices and student will choose one.
4. Teacher can provide better feedback on answers. 1. These tests needs language skills with and ESL students can’t demonstrate their capabilities.
2. These tests are time bounds and a slow writing student may not able to show his full knowledge.
3. Performance in these test based on memorizing facts instead of showing creativity.
Assessment type Strength Limitations
2.Oral Exams 1. This format decreases miscommunication and misunderstanding while questioning or answering.
2. Student doesn’t need to follow any set lines for answer.
3. Give more chances to