Instructor: Erin O’ Connor
Office: EBS112
Office Hours:
Monday- After class at 11 am and email.
Tuesday- After class at 9:05 pm and email.
Wednesday- EBS112 After class at 11 am (PS101) and email.
Thursday- EBS112 email for appointment.
Friday- EBS112 email for appointment.
Transferability: CSU, UC Transfer limit.
Skills advised: English 103, Math 1.
Textbooks- Astro 2 and Earth 101 Lecture kit
Grading: based on consistent performance. All assignments are required! 90’s= A 80s= B 70s= C 60s= D Below 60s= F
Point values
Tests (approx. 4-6 for the semester) 100pts. Ea.
Clicker Quizzes (given at start, during, and end of class) 10-20 pts ea.
Homework (assigned and due on a given date) 10-20 pts ea.
Web-based activities, Group activities, projects, assigned videos 0-50 pts.
Assigned Videos (TBA) 0-30 pts. Ea.
FINAL (Cumulative, with 2 parts) 100-200 pts.
Main things that will be focused upon:
•Describe the size and the scale of the components of the universe and discriminate between various, models of celestial motions. Predict the consequences of these motions.
•Compare and contrast various components of the solar system, how they form, and how they relate to Earth.
•Use the components of the electromagnetic spectrum to investigate stars and stellar evolution. Demonstrate how stars, nebulae, galaxies, and quasars have been used to explore the concepts of relativity and cosmology.
•Astronomy lab is held at SB Museum of Natural History.
The Sun
•The sun is a star
• At the core of the sun, there are nuclear reactions which give us light, heat, and energy.
•speed of light c= 186,000 mile/second
• A light year is a unit of distance.
•The days of the week are named after planets:
Sunday- Sun