The first few years of life are held as critical for developing an attachment. If availability of potential attachment figures is reduced, confidence that people will be around to care' diminishes. Bowlby protested that although attachment and dependency in infancy changes it is still relevant and active throughout the life cycle, from the cradle to the grave'. These expectations are thought to develop in infancy and be relatively resistant to change. Bowlby also saw marriage or the equivalent as adult manifestation of attachment. There are various implications
The first few years of life are held as critical for developing an attachment. If availability of potential attachment figures is reduced, confidence that people will be around to care' diminishes. Bowlby protested that although attachment and dependency in infancy changes it is still relevant and active throughout the life cycle, from the cradle to the grave'. These expectations are thought to develop in infancy and be relatively resistant to change. Bowlby also saw marriage or the equivalent as adult manifestation of attachment. There are various implications