Protostomes develop mouth from blastopore.
Overview of Prokaryotes, Protists, and Fungi
I. Prokaryotes (ex. Bacteria)
-Small (0.5-5um)
-Know shapes (ex. Spherical rod shaped and spiral) cocci, spirilla, bacilli
-Cell wall, salt, peptidoglycan, Gram stain, virulence. Gram positive bacteria take up the Gram stain and turn purple, peptidoglycan traps crystal violet, very thick cell wall made up of sugars. Gram negative bacteria crystal violet is easily rinsed away revealing dye. Have a carbohydrate portion of lipopolysaccharide then an outer membrane, proteoglycan layer then plasma membrane. Salt acts as a balance for equilibrium. To absorb moisture and preserve.
-Structure pg. 98, 558 (Fimbriae, a surrounding of prokaryotes that act as an attachment structure) Inside the fimbriae is the capsules followed by the cell wall distinguish eukaryotes from prokaryotes. A typical rod shaped bacterium.
-Motility-known as flagella is famous because it is extremely complex of many proteins. Multi portion motor, taxis is another term for the movement it makes. Chemo towards light
Know structure and basic functions of the prokaryote.
Presentation: Overview of Prokaryotes, Protists, and Fungi
A. Characteristics
-Genome- ca. 1000x smaller than eukaryotic genomes, contained within the nucleoid, plasmids. Page 559.
-Single Circular Chromosome-within the nucleoid, does not have a physical structure, is just where you find DNA.
-Plasmids-accessory DNA. The cause of antibiotic resistance. Some bacteria do not have plasmids. Plasmids are not always found in a living thing. Also 1000x less information than eukaryotic. Can be transferred by transcription.
-Endospores, Bacillus anthracis (anthrax). Page 560. What is within the endospore is the genetic material. Everything else goes into a suspended sleep. The genetic information gets