Assessment Task –Preliminary Course English Standard 2014
Task no: 1 Mail Date: 14/03/2014
Topic: ‘Gladiator’ – Representations of a Hero
Weighting: 25%
Language modes: Viewing/ Representing/ Writing
Outcomes to be assessed: 1,3,5,7,12
P1: A student demonstrates understanding of the relationships between composer, responder, text and context.
P5: A student describes the ways different technologies and media of production affect the language and structure of particular texts.
P7: A student selects appropriate language forms and features, and structures to explore and express ideas and values
P10: A student analyses and synthesises information and ideas from a range of texts for a variety of purposes, audiences and contexts.
P12: A student reflects on own process of responding and composing.
Task Overview:
In the unit “Representations of Heroes” students examine what the attributes of heroismare and how they have been portrayed over time.
In the film study Gladiator students examine how the composer uses a variety of filming techniques to represent the concept of ‘Heroism’.
Task Outline:
This task requires you to write acritical essayevaluating how the concept of ‘Heroism’ is conveyed in Ridley Scott’s production Gladiator.
Essay Question:
How has the composer represented the concept of heroism in the filmGladiator? Make specific reference to two key scenes in the film. You MUST NOT choose scenes which have been analysed already in the course work (i.e. scenes I-III, XI-XIII, and XXVI). Write approximately 1000 words.
Marking Rubric:
You will be assessed on how well you:
Structure your essay to develop and support a clear argument which demonstrates an understanding of the relationships between composer, responder, text and context.
Discuss ideas presented in the text in relation to the above question using appropriate language for