SEMESTER 2, 2014
The complete BEO1106 assignment (all three parts) accounts for 20% of the overall assessment in the unit.
This first part of the BEO1106 assignment is to be completed in your own time and must be submitted for correction in the tutorial of week 6. No time extensions will be granted although special consideration applications may be accepted from students unable to satisfy submission requirements due to extenuating circumstances. Failure to submit Part I of the assignment without approved and timely special consideration will prohibit the submission of Parts II or III of the assignment.
All three parts of the assignment must be submitted in hard copy form accompanied by a completed Assessment Declaration (see the Assessment Information page of the unit website). Although you will be provided with guidance with regard to addressing the assignment tasks, you will need to complete the tasks in your own time. To avoid any complications associated with misplaced assignments, make a photocopy of your assignment before you hand in the original to your tutor for correction.
Your answers must be presented in task number order and be clearly labelled with the appropriate task number. Answers to each task must start on a new page.
Your assignment must be presented in Microsoft (MS) Word. Copy and paste any relevant Excel outputs to this document immediately before any relevant written answers to each task.
If you are unfamiliar with the use of the MS Word Equations Editor, you may write algebraic/mathematical/statistical symbols and notation in neat handwritten form.
Your answers must be clear. You must highlight relevant items on any required Excel outputs and make reference to them in your written answers.
When asked to perform a manual calculation (i.e. the use of MS Excel is not