Given the theme of the course this year is “Building a Better World”, you might also consider working for moral, social, political or economic change. You might follow in the tradition of the great prophets, teachers, revolutionaries, human rights activists, union organizers – those who ended slavery and apartheid, struggled for democracy, won equal rights for women, the 8 hour work day, union recognition, medicare or fair taxation – remember the original Tea Party! You could help save our environment and end climate change, overcome inequality and injustice, or help us achieve economic democracy.
a) An overview of the sector, industry, or occupation
Size - total number of employees, number of employers, size of employers
Range of possible jobs
Public or private sector, primary or secondary labour market, secure or precarious, unionized or not...
b) Details about the position you are seeking:
What is involved -- a description of what the job entails
Qualifications required
Wages, benefits, working conditions
Supply of competing candidates
Demand -- how many jobs are on offer each year?
c) How your career prospects are being affected by economic, social or political trends affecting the sector, industry, or occupation
Structural and cyclical changes - eg. free trade / globalization, neo-liberalism, the recent recession, increasing competition, outsourcing, technological change, climate change,
Changing consumer taste,
Changing political climate - increased /reduced resources or budgets d) Overall assessment - your conclusions
Is there an opportunity for me to make a contribution?
Is this job a good match