Cross Cultural Comparisons:
people have different sexual attitudes and behaviors positions missionary- woman lying on her back with the man on top normal is defined by the community in which we live americans are known as ethnocentric- our own cultures behavior and customs as correct or as the way things should be if we traveled to another country we would be seen as “strange”
USA people think negative about armpits but Abkhazian men are aroused by seeing a woman’s armpits navel is arousing in Samoa and a knee is erotic in New Guinea and
Celebes Islands
USA men are aroused by breasts, Polynesian men are fascinated with the size, shape, and consistency of women’s genitals body weight is an important determinant of sexual attractiveness plump women are attractive in western cultures centuries ago kissing is highly erotic in western cultures the most sexually permissive group are the Mangaians asians and americans are the least permissive in their sexual attitudes and behaviors
Sigmund Freud- A victorian era physician who emphasized the sexuality of children and adults
Masters and Johnson- Conducted the first large scale of physiological study of human sexual behavior
Alfred Kinsey- He conducted the first large scale survey of American sexual attitudes and behaviors
Henry Havelock Ellis- A victorian era sex researcher with a tolerant attitude about sexuality
SIGMUND FREUD emphasized the sexuality of all people including children and HENRY HAVELOCK ELLIS published seven volumes about the psychology of sex were two researchers who attempted to counter anti-sexual attitudes
Saint Paul- The first major influence on Christian sexual values, he regarded bodily pleasures as evil and thought it “well for a man not to touch a woman”
Ancient Greeks- They believed in an ascetic philosophy: wisdom and virtue come from denying physical pleasures
Biblical Hebrews- They believed that the purpose of sex was for