The American Civil War, also known as the War Between the States, was a civil war fought from 1861 to 1865 in the United States of America after seven Southern slave states declared their separation from the North and formed the Confederate States of America. The ACW is widley refered to Americnas bloodiest conflict and more Americans both Union and Confederate, ended up as causalities than in any other war in U.S. history.Casualties were those soldiers who were killed, wounded, or missing.It is difficult to pinpoint an exact number of causalities for the Civil War. Using documents like enlistment rolls, muster rolls, and casualty lists it is estimated that there were about 1.5 million casualties during the Civil War. This number incorporates both Union and Confederate dead, wounded, and missing, and it was about 2% of the national population at the time.
About 620,000 soldiers were killed during the Civil War
About 476,000 soldiers were wounded
About 400,000 soldiers were declared missing
Of those killed, about 360,000 were Union soldiers (about 23% of the total Union army)
Of those killed, about 260,000 were Confederate soldiers (about 24% of the Confederate army)
Nearly everyone in America, both North and South, was affected in some way by the Civil War. Most people knew someone who was killed, wounded, or missing. The main reasons Weaponry in the mid-1800s was becoming more and more dangerous, able to kill or seriously wound more people in a shorter period of time.
One of the greatest dangers for Civil War soldiers was the minié ball, a conical bullet made of lead that flattened and splintered when it hit something, usually a human being. Minié balls tore through flesh and shattered bones, inflicting instant death if they hit critical areas.
Civil War artillery fire also killed many soldiers. While Union and Confederate artillery units still used the traditional spherical cannon balls, they also employed