Course Outline Syllabus for COSK2230 Communications Skills V
Instructor: Debra Kuzemka Boehm
Email Address: or
Phone Number: (724) 772-3542 (home)
Office Hours: Before class or by appointment
Class Meeting Times: Thursday evenings 6-8:00PM
Class Location: Pittsburgh Room 309
Course Description:
COSK 2230 COMMUNICATIONS SKILLS V assesses the degree to which students have succeeded in achieving the goals of the lower-division communications skills program. By reviewing and synthesizing the topics and skills covered in the previous four courses, by providing continued practice in all the communications skills, and by introducing the different communication practices of various disciplines and careers, COSK 2230 emphasizes the integrated nature of the communications skills program and the importance of communications skills for a successful life and career. This course explores further the importance and practice of adapting communications to the expectations of various audiences and emphasizes the completion of standardized assessments in the various communications skills, the establishing of bridges between Communications Skills I-V and communications-intensive courses in the various disciplines, and the conceptual integration of the communications issues and skills taught in all five courses. Successful completion of this course is necessary for students to enroll in upper-division communications skills courses.
Prerequisite: COSK 2221 or permission of CSP director. 3 Credits
COSK 2230 makes explicit the interconnections and importance of all the communications skills taught in the Courses I-IV; introduces some of the similarities and differences in the discourses of various professions and organizations, which you are preparing to enter; and provides an assessment of each your communications skills. You are able to proceed to upper-division Communications