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Course Title: Interpersonal Communication

Course Number: COMM 148

Credit Hours: 3

Distribution of Contact Hours: 3 class hours

Instructor: Dr. MaryAnn Seward
Office Location: Shircliff Humanities Center, Room E-113
Office Phone Number: 812-888-4378; Cell: 618-549-5065
Class Times: Tues & Thurs, 9:30-10:45am; Classroom: SHC-B112
Office Hours: Tues & Thurs, 8-9:30am, 11-12:30pm, Wed 5-6pm; and
(Mon, 4-5pm, & Fri, 9-10am: By Appointment)

Department Mission Statement: The Speech and Theatre Department at Vincennes University recognizes the need to prepare 21st Century graduates to communicate effectively in their always changing local and global communities. The communication courses are designed to encourage students to apply practical communication concepts and theories in their professional and social relationships. Students leave the courses with enhanced communication skills, problem-solving and analytical abilities. I. Course Catalog Description

A course providing theory, actual practice, and criticism for examining and changing human interactions in work, family, and social contexts. The course will focus on perception, message encoding and decoding, feedback, listening skills, causes for communication breakdowns, and other elements affecting interpersonal communication. This course is a transferIN course. 3 class hours. Writing Intensive Course
Prerequisite(s): A grade of C or better in READ 009 and ENGL 011, or SAT Reading score of 420 and Writing score of 440 or greater, or appropriate placement test scores.

II. Course Designation
This course is a:
Basic Skills Course
UCC course
Writing intensive course

III. VU Liberal Education Outcomes met by this course:

Engage in articulate expression through critical reading and effective written, oral, and digital communication.
Evaluate ethical behavior as an individual and as a member of local and global communities.
Apply critical and creative thinking skills to solve problems.
Integrate knowledge and perspectives of different disciplines to answer complex questions.

IV. UCC/State Outcomes met by this course:
Speaking and Listening
2.1. Use appropriate organization or logical sequencing to deliver an oral message.
2.2. Adapt an oral message for diverse audiences, contexts, and communication channels.
2.3. Identify and demonstrate appropriate oral and nonverbal communication practices.
2.4. Advance an oral argument using logical reasoning.
2.5. Provide credible and relevant evidence to support an oral argument.
2.6. Demonstrate the ethical responsibilities of sending and receiving oral messages.
2.7. Summarize or paraphrase an oral message to demonstrate comprehension.
Written Communication
1.3. Read critically, summarize, apply, analyze, and synthesize information and concepts in written and visual texts as the basis for developing original ideas and claims.

V. Course Outcomes
Students who complete this course will:
Identify and assess attitudes and behaviors that contribute to effective and ineffective interpersonal communication.
Achieve a deeper understanding of issues related to self-concept and self-esteem.
Understand the multiple barriers to effective listening and realize the importance of good listening skills to the development and maintenance of relationships.
Become sensitive to complexities and subtleties of both verbal and nonverbal messages.
Identify causes of and strategies to resolve interpersonal conflict.
Recognize, appreciate, and encourage multiple perspectives, attitudes, beliefs, and value systems of culturally diverse communicators.
Demonstrate articulate expression through oral, written, and mediated communication.
Display increased self-confidence and reduced anxiety in communication situations.
Discriminate factors that influence effective and ineffective cultural communication encounters. VI. Course Content
In this course the students will be expected to:
Understand the foundational concepts of interpersonal communication.
Form and use social perceptions to increase effective interpersonal communication.
Assess and integrate verbal and nonverbal communication as it relates to interpersonal efficacy.
Understand Interpersonal communication across cultural norms, rules, roles, and values.
Hold effective interpersonal communication conversations.
Listen effectively in interpersonal relationships.
Explore the notion of self versus other and intimate interpersonal communication competencies.
Apply effective conflict management strategies in interpersonal communication encounters.
Write a film analysis utilizing the application of interpersonal communication theories.

VII. Course Text and Materials Policy Use current edition of the following text. Required: Text: Verderber, K.S., & Verderber, R. F. (2012). Inter-Act: Interpersonal Communication Concepts, Skills, and Contexts. (13th ed), Oxford: Oxford University Press. COMM 148 packet (rubrics, scantrons, common course outline) Recommended: Vincennes University Writers’ Handbook Computer access to Bb for syllabus, rubrics, assignments, and grade book

VIII. Course Grading Policy (See Section X for specific course grading details.)

The instructional methods of evaluations used to assess learning may include reflective writings, group work, role-playing, presentations, and exams. A film study analysis is required. Cognitive learning will be assessed by using all methods of evaluations and activities according to section-specific courses. Increased awareness of affective orientation and behavioral development changes will be assessed by using methods such as reflective writings and film analyses where students are asked to examine interpersonal concepts and explain how he/she can practically apply the concepts to become a more competent interpersonal communicator.

(Note: Roman Numerals I-VIII are in the Common Course Outline in your packet that can be purchased at the book store.)

IX. Course Policies
(1) Vincennes University Attendance policy
The Vincennes University policy is premised upon the notion that students will attend all sessions of the classes in which they are enrolled. This policy supports Vincennes University's philosophy that students benefit most from the people and facilities provided by the citizens of Indiana through proper and adequate class attendance. Consequently, missing class for any reason will be regarded as an absence. When absences result from an approved and required University activity, they will not be counted against a student, and the work missed may be made up.

Vincennes University believes that students who participate in University-sponsored activities and faculty-developed field trips must develop habits of attendance consistent with such participation, or voluntarily refrain from such participation. For whatever reason an absence occurs, the student is responsible for the work missed.

Dr. Seward’s Attendance Policy: As members of a learning community instructors
And students agree to a tacit social contract. That contract ensures that all participants will attend every class meeting, engage one another in an informed and spirited manner, and complete all assigned responsibilities on time. In other words, when you signed up for this course, attendance and participation became two of your assigned responsibilities. You will be awarded points for attendance and participation including in-class activities. It is impossible to make these points up so it would behoove each student to attend every class meeting to ensure receiving all possible points. Attendance makes up 10% of your grade so consider it an easy 100% on a major assignment and all you have to do is be present.

(2) Make Up Work and Late Work
Homework assignments and handouts are available to you in class and on Blackboard. If you will be missing class please e-mail me to notify me of your absence, but please do not ask what work you missed or what assignments are due. You are responsible enough to refer to the course syllabus schedule to receive any missed prompts so that your work can be handed in on time without penalty. It is your responsibility to get and complete these assignments by the due date in order to receive full credit for the assignment. A personal emergency is the only way that late work will be accepted, but with a 25 point penalty. These exceptions are only at the instructor’s discretion. IMPORTANT REMINDER: Group projects, exams, or in-class assignments may not be made up! If you are absent on the day of your scheduled group presentation or exam you will receive a grade of “0” for that presentation or exam. No exceptions will be made. Do not let yourself or your group members down. (3) Use of Electronic Devices in Class
Cellular Phones: Turn them off or put them on silent while in class. If you are expecting an emergency call, please inform me before class starts, and remove yourself quickly from class when you notice the phone ringing. You may not answer your phone during class. Texting is not allowed once class starts. You can wait until class is over to check your incoming texts—it is rude to check them during class.

Other Electronic Devices: You may use a laptop to take notes during class; however, you may not use your computer for any other reason during our class time (don’t play solitaire during class). Turn off IPods/MP3 players prior to the start of class and leave them off for the duration of class time. Listen to your music prior to coming into class. Remove your headphones when you get to class.

(4) Instructor’s Academic Dishonesty Policy/Statement
Honesty is a must in any environment, but it is at the heart of the university where students and faculty co-create an atmosphere conducive to learning, understanding, creating, and exploring. Academic dishonesty may take many forms. These forms include:
1. Cheating – using unauthorized assistance, materials, or study aids in any academic exercise.
2. Plagiarism – using the words or ideas of another without appropriate acknowledgment. 3. Fabrication – falsifying or inventing information or data.
4. Deception – misrepresenting work or academic records; turning in the same paper for two classes without written permission of both instructors.
5. Facilitating Academic Dishonesty – intentionally assisting another student to commit an act of academic misconduct.
Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Any academic honesty breach will be subject to disciplinary action. For violations under this section, the professor will notify the department chairperson and the division dean in writing of the circumstances if any punitive action is taken. The student shall have the right of appeal of the professor’s decision per the Student Grievance Policy. The alternatives for action by the professor may include, but not be limited to, failing grade of the assignment, or the course, or the withdrawal from the course. The student will also be referred to the Dean of Students, who will determine appropriate disciplinary action in keeping with procedures used in the handling of other types of student conduct situations.

Even though this class focuses on interpersonal communication it is a writing intensive course. Some assignments require you to report analyses of oral communication in a written format (written self-reflections, discussion questions, film analyses, etc.). Therefore, the quality of your writing matters and is part of what is evaluated. This evaluation includes assessments of organization, sentence structure, accurate word choice, typographical mistakes, spelling, basic grammar errors, and APA or MLA citation referencing. If you feel or we discover that you have trouble writing up to the standards required for this course, please consider turning in rough drafts of your work well before assignment deadlines and/or consulting with a writing tutor. See me for details.

(5) Disabilities Services Policy
The Office of Disability Services reviews requests and determines appropriate accommodations for students with disabilities. Students with psychological, physical, sensory, communicative and/or learning disabilities should seek out this office as soon as possible after admission to VU if they require academic accommodations. The student will be required to provide copies of medical or psychometric evaluations that document the presence of a disability and the impact of the disability on the student's level of functioning. The Office of Disability Services also coordinates the availability of assistive technology at various campus locations to provide accessible classroom materials and equipment. Vincennes University complies with the requirements set forth by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act to assure the rights of individuals with disabilities to fair, non-discriminatory treatment. The Office of Disability Services is located at the South Entrance of Vigo Hall. The phone number is 812-888-4501. Specific procedures for requesting an accommodation for a disability may be found at the Office of Disability Services website at Students that will be requesting accommodations should view the Disability Services website for documentation requirements.

(6) Standard of Student Behavior
Students need to be aware that violations of the University Standard of Student Behavior as listed in the VU Catalog may result in some form of disciplinary action.

Classroom Disruption Policy
Disruptive behavior will NOT be tolerated. Examples: chatting with classmates about a subject other than speech, sleeping (get enough sleep before coming to class), using foul language, using cellular phones, using headphones, being consistently tardy, or being combative, threatening, or rude toward others in the class. I expect you to act like a responsible adult student while in this classroom. Penalties for disruptive behavior will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis; at the least, you will be asked to leave the classroom.

(7) Content/Schedule change statement
The content in this syllabus and the course schedule are tentative and may be changed by the instructor. Students will be notified of changes to the syllabus in class.

X. Instructional Methodologies/Activities/Grading Specifics
The instructional methodologies used in this course derive from Bloom’s Learning Taxonomies in three domain areas: Cognitive learning, Affective orientation and Behavioral development. The instructional methods of evaluations used to assess learning may include reflective writings, film study analyses, group work, role-playing, presentations, and exams.
Cognitive learning will be assessed by using all methods of evaluations and activities referenced above. Increased awareness of affective orientation and behavioral development changes will be assessed by using methods such as reflective writings and film analyses where students are asked to examine interpersonal concepts and explain how one can practically apply the concepts to become more competent interpersonal communicators.
Course Grading and Evaluation Practices:

(1) Grading Scale:
93-100% A 83-86.9% B 70-76.9% C
90-92.9% A- 80-82.9% B- 60-69.9% D
87-89.9% B+ 77-79.9% C+ 59.9%

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