P.1 – Produce a guidance document explaining the role of effective communication and interpersonal interaction in a health and social care context for a new member of staff (using a hospital or care home setting) to include:
Communication: text messaging, written, oral, signing, technology.
Interpersonal interaction: language, non-verbal (choose 2 issues under each heading from unit specification page 3).
Effective communication
The role of effective communication is important in any work setting especially in any health care setting. Effective communication is when someone is getting a message across or explaining a topic fully with using the least information possible it is when information is transmitted accurately …show more content…
This can occur on an everyday basis in any health care setting such as one nurse speaking to another nurse about a patient.
This is when more than two people are communicating with each other this can range from 3 to any number such as a class lecture consisting of about 60 people. Group communication is effective as it sends the same information to the entire group at the same time. This can happen in a health care setting such as a care home when they have staff meetings.
This is when people use rules of language in either written or verbal communication such as in a letter from your doctor or either when you have an interview for a job. Formal communication comes into every health and social care setting such as when you’re in hospital and the doctor comes around to see you he would use formal language.
This is a more laid back type of communication such as if you were talking to your family or friends you don’t have to use rule of language and this can be present in some health and social care settings such as a social worker or key worker that you have known for perhaps a long time you would then be more comfortable with them and your language would be more laidback rather than …show more content…
There are many different types of language such as Spanish French German etc. and everybody has a first language even if they know a few our first language would be English. In a hospital there can be many people that come in on a day to day basis that don’t speak English but this can prove a barrier to communicating with that person. In most hospitals and care settings there would be a few nurses and doctors that would speak more than one language and if not an interpreter may have to be brought in. Dialect also comes under language this is the way certain people from certain places or cities speak such as wales would have a welsh dialect and England has an English dialect. This can happen in any care setting such as a care home when residents could be from different places and speak different ways the carers may not understand them as much but after a period of time they may get to know their dialect. Jargon would also come under language this is basically just a manner of talking that is very difficult to understand or even sometimes senseless. And slang would be another form of language this is very similar to dialect and is based on word people say that are not in the dictionary but a lot may know the meaning certain towns and places would have their own slang such as Derry city is well known for its slang. In a hospital if someone came in that was injured and they only talk in slang it can