The term “Computer” is derived from the Latin word “Computare” which means “to compute” or “to calculate”, so it is considered to be calculating device.
In fact, the main objective of inventing the computer was to create a fast calculating machine. But now-a-days more than 75% of non-mathematical or non-numerical work is carried out by the computers.
Today, computer technology has spread to every sphere of existence of modern man, from railway reservation to medical diagnosis, from TV programme to satellite launching; from match-making to criminal catching everywhere we witness the elegance, sophistication and efficiency possible only with help of computers.
A computer is an electronic machine that accepts data from the user, processes the data by performing calculations and operations on it, and generates the desired output results. Computer performs both simple and complex operations, with speed and accuracy.
The computer is an electronic device which converts raw data into valid (or) meaningful information.
Computer is a fast operating electronic device which automatically accepts and stores input data, processes them and produces results under the direction of a detailed step by step program.
Basic operations of a computer:
The computer has the following five basic operations to carry out any task.
i) Input: It is the process of capturing or acquiring the information, or it is the raw data or information. By using this we can do any process.
ii) Process: It is the transformation process to convert the input in to output. iii) Output: It is the result, which comes from the transformation process or it is the outcome of the process. iv) Storing: It is the process of saving the data or information or instructions, so that they can be retained and retrieved whenever required.
v) Controlling: It is the process of directing the manner and sequence in which all the