Crime is seen as behaviour that breaks the formal written laws of society.
Can range from minor to major crimes
Deviance is any type of behaviour which goes against the norms of society.
All crime is deviant but not all behaviour is deviant
Mental illness and suicide are not illegal in UK but are considered deviant
Both crime and deviance are BOTH social constructs (changes with time and place)
For example it was illegal until 1961 to kill yourself in the UK
5.1 – Theories on crime and deviance
Functionalist Theory
Durkheim…crime is..
Inevitable, It will always exist
Universal, crime exists in everyday society
Relative, crime is seem as a social construct
Functional, limited amount of crime can benefit as crime strengthens bonds between people.
Crime reinforces norms and values reminding people of what is acceptable behaviour.
Crime could be reduced if people’s behaviour was controlled but this would stop society’s positive deviants (go against norms and values) moving society forward.
Merton: many types of crime exist because society shares the same American dream.
American dream = to be rich, successful and fulfilled.
Not everyone can achieve these lawfully.
Strains exist between goals and abilities of people and their ability to achieve them.
5 ways to respond to American Dream.
1. Conformity –means trying to achieve AD by working your way up career ladder
2. Innovation – legal and illegal forms, illegal means burglary or bank robbery e.g.
3. Ritualism –deviant response but NOT criminal. When you give up on AD e.g. you do not seek a pay rise anymore.
4. Retreatism –give up on AD and turn to drink and drugs. Deviant and can be criminal
5. Rebellion –where you want to replace the AD. Terrorist organisations such as AL-QAEDA fit into this. This is Criminal
Merton has successfully linked strains in structure of society to criminal behaviour.
The Strain