Building Systems with Fuzzy Logic Toolbox Software
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Fuzzy Logic Toolbox Graphical User Interface Tools
The Basic Tipping Problem
The FIS Editor
The Membership Function Editor
The Rule Editor
The Rule Viewer
The Surface Viewer
Importing and Exporting from the GUI Tools
Fuzzy Logic Toolbox Graphical User Interface Tools
In this topic, you use the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox graphical user interface (GUI) tools to build a Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) for the tipping example described in The Basic Tipping Problem.
Use the following GUI tools to build, edit, and view fuzzy inference systems:
Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) Editor to handle the high-level issues for the system—How many input and output variables? What are their names?
Fuzzy Logic Toolbox software does not limit the number of inputs. However, the number of inputs may be limited by the available memory of your machine. If the number of inputs is too large, or the number of membership functions is too big, then it may also be difficult to analyze the FIS using the other GUI tools.
Membership Function Editor to define the shapes of all the membership functions associated with each variable
Rule Editor to edit the list of rules that defines the behavior of the system.
Rule Viewer to view the fuzzy inference diagram. Use this viewer as a diagnostic to see, for example, which rules are active, or how individual membership function shapes influence the results
Surface Viewer to view the dependency of one of the outputs on any one or two of the inputs—that is, it generates and plots an output surface map for the system.
These GUIs are dynamically linked, in that changes you make to the FIS using one of them, affect what you see on any of the other open GUIs. For example, if you change the names of the membership functions in the