Every health and social care setting will promote anti-discriminatory practice. This will be demonstrated in the way they work and operate. Sometimes it may be in the individualised care plans produced or the communication passport of an individual even in the menu that is produced to make a meal times inclusive and enjoyable for all service users.
There are about four different key principles that should be taken into account when working in an health and social care sector. * Justice- this is when people must be treated fairly no matter what they look like or their background. * Autonomy- this is when a person’s choice must be respected. * Beneficence- this involves the ricks and costs – the health and social care professionals should make sure they act in a way that benefits not them but the patient/client. * None-malefience- this is when any harm can be caused by a treatment or intervention should not outweigh the benefits of that treatment.
There are many ways to promote anti-discriminatory in a health and social care settings. The actions are taken to prevent discrimination on