ALL 121 CARRIERS- Operational Control Authority- initiating, conducting, or terminating a flight
Dispatcher/Captain joint responsibility- preflight planning, legal and safe dispatch release of a flight
Dispatcher responsibilites-
1. Flight monitoring
2. issuing necessary information to ensure the safety of the flight. Ex. WX, NOTAMS
3. Cancelling or redispatching if the flight cannot be operated safely in the opinion of the dispatcher or PIC
Captain's responsibilities-
1. command the aircraft and crew, ensure safety of the aircraft and all people and cargo aboard
2. exercise authority over other crewmembers
What kind of information must a dispatcher provide to the captain?
1. Preflight and Inflight WX reports such as CAT, wind shear, thunderstorms, and conditions of airports and navaids.
What is a dispatch release?
Under Part 121.593/595, no person may start a flight unless and aircraft dispatcher specifically authorizes that flight.
What are the contents of a dispatch release? (Remember, similar to flight plan)
1. Flight number
2. Aircraft
3. ETD
4. Departure Station
5. Intermediate stop
6. Departure Alternate
7. Destination
8. Alternate
9. Minimum T/O Fuel (MINTOF)
10. Type of Operations (VFR or IFR)
11. Void Time
12. Names of Dispatcher and PIC
What does it mean when a captain signs a dispatch release?
It means that the captain and dispatcher are in agreement that the flight has been appropriately planned and can be legally and safely operated.
Can the Captain delegate authority to someone to sign the release?
Can the dispatcher?
Yes, but no change can be made to the release. Part 121.663.
Records of these documents should be kept for 3 calendar months.
Dispatch Resource Management (DRM)
System that prevents aviation accidents by improving team performance through better coordination and communication: