Driving is better than Flying A lot of people would rather travel by airplane. However, I prefer to travel by my car because I can save money, experience the different surroundings, and am in control of my environment. First, I can be in control of my environment when I drive. I can make the temperature in the car as hot or as cold I like it. I can travel alone or with others, and play music or not depending on my mood. The second reason I prefer driving is because I can experience different surroundings. Instead of having to look out the window at clouds, I can see cars, people, trees, buildings and homes. Also, I can take whichever route I please and see sites and different landscapes. The fun experience of driving is I never know which town I may want to stop in or which hotel I want to stay at. I like to play the license plate game and see how many different plates are from which different states, or even try to figure out what some people licenses plate means.
The problem with an airplane is I rather be alone, I do not want to sit next to anyone. What if I have to pass gas or need to take a cigarette break which is not possible on an airplane. Especially with my kids flying is most stressful they cry, fight have to use the bathroom every five seconds and can act ADHD at times which will annoy the passengers whom are trying to fly in peace. Also on an airplane if you do not have a straight through flight you have to wait between connections at strange airport with strangers whom you do not know, sometimes you have to sit for hours due to delays, and waiting with kids at an airport on a delay is never pleasant.
The most important reason I would rather drive than fly is because it saves me money. For instance, I tend to travel to Atlanta several times a year on short notice. If I was to fly, it would cost $400-$500, and it would take up to three hours; however, when I drive it takes a few hours longer but cost me $200 at the