July 28, 2014 Is E-cigs the Answer? Ever since the Maya and Aztecs introduced tobacco smoking in South America, it has become a worldwide phenomenon with millions addicted to this drug. The combination of tobacco and nicotine is endearing to its users. Only in the past century have researchers discovered the inherent danger of this substance. Ever since, the quest has been on for a cigarette that would not be as catastrophically dangerous. In the year 2004, the E-cig was introduced in the Chinese market and has since taken off. Namely, by definition the E-cigs uses electricity to heat liquid in its compartment and produce a vapor. Furthermore, it contains nicotine to soothe the smoker that is used to batches of nicotine with each tobacco cigarette. Many have grabbed on to this phenomenon as the answer to one’s smoking addiction. As discussed in The Harm Reduction Journal ‘’ E-cigs might be the most promising product for tobacco harm reduction to date. E-cigs deliver a nicotine vapor without the combustion products that are responsible for nearly all of smoking’s damaging effects … millions of Lives could be saved’’ (Polosa et al, 7).
However, the E-cig has its fallacies. While championed by the E-cig market as the holy grail of smoking, the dangers it represents by normalizing smoking and introducing kids to nicotine is overlooked. As a study in the American Journal of Health points out’’ the novel construction of ENDS has raised new challenging concerns of other potential risks, including appeal to and addiction of children (especially when flavors like strawberry or chocolate are added), displacement of effective cessation, long term inhalation of propylene glycol, chemical contamination, uncontrolled levels of nicotine, misleading advertising of contents, variable nicotine delivery leading to unclear
Cited: Cobb, Nathan K., et al. "Novel Nicotine Delivery Systems and Public Health: The Rise of the 'E-Cigarette. '" American Journal of Public Health 100.12 (2010): 2340-2. ProQuest Multiple Databases. Web. 28 July 2014. Polosa, Ricardo, et al. "A Fresh Look at Tobacco Harm Reduction: The Case for the Electronic Cigarette." Harm Reduction Journal 10.19 (2013): 1-11. ProQuest Multiple Databases. Web. 28 July 2014.