Assignment - 2012
Individual Assignment :
Management Information System – Electronic Business and Electronic Commerce
Course Facilitator : Mr. James Situmorang
Due Date : Wednesday, June 27th 2012
“I hereby declare that the attached assignment is our own work and understand that if I am suspected of plagiarism, cheating or any form of Academic Misconduct, our work will be referred to the Board of Examiners, which may result in me being expelled from the program. “ Name | Student ID | Signed | Date | Riri Afrianika | 1111050022 | | Wednesday, June 27th 2012 |
Praise constituent prayed to Allah SWT because of His grace writer can complete a paper entitled "Electronic Business and Electronic Commerce". This paper was submitted to fulfill the task subjects Management Information System.
Writer thank all those who helped to make this paper can be completed in accordance with the time. This paper is far from perfect, therefore we expect criticism and constructive suggestions for the perfection of this paper.
Hopefully this paper provides useful information for people and for the development of knowledge for us all.
Jakarta, June 27th 2012
Riri Afrianika
Executive Summary 4
Background 5
Definition of E-Business 6
Relantionship between E-business and E-commerce 7
Michael Porter’s Model 8
Five Competitive Strategies 9
Framework of e-commerce 10
Why e-commerce different 11
Model of E-business 12
The effect of e-business 13
Advantages and disadvantages 14
Refrences text 15
E-Business is one way that we can use to improve our business or starting a new business. Where simplicity we do not need to be made to and fro