My E-Portfolio Homepage
The following e-portfolio records the progress of me, Jane Jones, since starting my HND Year 1 Business and Management Programme at the University of South Wales (USW). After completing my BTEC National and Welsh Baccalaureate in Abber College in 2012 I applied for and was accepted on my current University programme. I aim to complete my HND in June of this year and top up to a full BA (Hons) the year after that. Since starting my programme at USW I have learned many new things, met many new people and had many new experiences. As my course has developed I recognise now, that so have I and I am using this e-portfolio to record my learning, my development and my experiences to prove to others that I am focussed on my professional development and furthering my career prospects and employability. So that I can be attractive to future employers I aim to ensure that my skills and my personal and professional development are as up to date as my subject knowledge. I see it as essential to my success to have transferable and current skills to offer to employers in a challenging and dynamic workplace.
Professional Development Page
Within the workplace today employees need to be flexible with excellent digital literacy skills and be able to cope with new and contemporary ways of working. Therefore to make myself more employable I consider it vital to offer my future employer evidence that I have the skills and abilities needed in the modern workplace. Since starting my course in University I have been able to appreciate the need for careful time management to ensure all of my work is planned and prepared effectively to make sure that my final output is of the highest standard. At the start of the year for one or two of my first assessments I underestimated how much background reading was needed in preparation for one of my tasks. I can remember starting to panic and remember thinking how lucky it was that I had