In the late 1990’s, there was an economic crisis, which unleashed an unprecedented international-labor that related to migration patterns from every region in Ecuador. The population of Ecuador’s capital Quito was 13.8 million in 2010. The expected migration rate for Ecuador form 2010 through 2015 is every two migrants to thousand immigrants. From 1996 through 2010 an estimated 1.5 million people left Ecuador and, headed to popular destinations such as, Spain, United States and, Italy. 2 million Ecuadorians are expected to live aboard by 2011.
Programs developed under the International Organization for Migration (IOM) are beneficial to Ecuadorians who have migrated and, wish to return back to Ecuador. Through these programs, it will reestablish a system for reintegration and, monitoring that will guarantee stability and, help contribute to economy. Other popular programs aim to provide proper travel documents that, supports the international standards of security and quality. There is also, a program to combat against trafficking humans, the Anti-Trafficking in Persons (TIP), through this program, seeks away to resolve this issues. This year alone, approximately 15 victims of trafficking will be assisted because of TIP.
According to CNN, Ecuador is considered the second best country in the world for, immigration and retirement, due to great diversity for travelers and, the small size of Ecuador allows people to reach there place of destination in just a few hours. The prices for goods are relatively cheap, there are many activities to enjoy and, the friendliness of the people will makes it a desirable stay. The National Direction of Immigration of the National Police of Ecuador is the entity in charge of controlling the migratory laws within the national territory and, is also in charge of the controlling