(Fundamental legal aspect)
American Nursing Association code of nursing ethics has a great impact in decision-making process in different situation nurse deal with in everyday life. In Marianne’s case she has no advance directive so the husband and kids are not sure what to do. The ANA recommends that the nurse obtain the advance health care directives during admission. The ANA support the clients right to self-determination and believes that nurses must play a primary role in implementation of the law. The nurse is the facilitator of the discussion between patients and their families about health care and end of life decisions.
In the malpractice case over negligence, which resulted in harm to a patient.
If a nurse witnesses another nurse being negligent to a patient, it’s a nurse duty to report the incident. The nurse primary commitment is to the patient weather an individual, family, group or community. (ANA 2009, Pg.9) It’s very important that the nurse report the negligence to the appropriate person in the organization. If no action is taken with the same incident, it is the nurse responsibility of the safety of the patient by going to the next person in charge, or outside or outside legislative organization. My duty is to tell the truth. I do not have any responsibilities to the employers, because the incident was reported several times and nothing was done. My obligation is to the patient because nurses strive to resolve conflicts in ways that ensure patients safety, guard the patient’s best interest and preserve the professional integrity of the nurse (ANA 2001/pg. 10). To do this, it may require the virtue of courage. Speaking the truth based on understanding the ethical principle of varsity truth telling and nonmaleficence, (do no